10)Evil little plan.

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I was reading my book while waiting for peter to respond to my text. This sucks he never leaves me on delivered maybe I freaked him out too much. I was getting into my book when I heard my father call out to me. I made my way to his lab and he was standing in the middle of the room with a ginormous wrapped box next to him it was bigger than me!

"Dad what's this?" I asked trying to get answers from him.

"Oh something I did for you." He said trying not to give it away he was looking so suspicious I just HAD to know what was in the box. "Since your birthday is next week I go- made you an early gift. Why don't you come over here an open it" he walked up and took my hand and dragged me over I was nervous I tore at the paper and the ribbon and the box flaps came flying down I jumped back and looked up.

"YOU MADE ME AN IRON SUIT!!??" I screamed with joy.

"Yep" he smirked

"Omg omg omg!!! Let me put it on dad." I quickly without a second to spare put it on it was nice very comfortable and I just loved it it looked like my dads but it was (your favorite color) (if it's red then your matching your dad but I recommend having your own personal suit)

"Do you like it?" He questioned.

"Are you kidding daddy, I love it" I jumped out of the suit and gave him the biggest hug I could.

"Alright let's take these baby's for a spin I'm gonna teach you kid." He was so excited it was like he was more happy about it then me.

We went outside with both of our suits on and he was teaching me how to fly and use all the functions. I'm a quick learner so I got it down pretty fast. But there was some setting that he had blocked because he said I wasn't ready for them.

We decided to go on a fly together a we caught ALOT of attention from the press and it was nice To spend this time with him. It definitely made me forget about me and Peters.... yeah. We were sitting on a building and it was night time.

"I want you to come out" he said seriously. I choked come out? How does he kno-. "Come out to the public and announce you my daughter and if you'd like, I'd like you to join the avengers as a member.."

"REALLY?" I gasped. I was excited. I could finally have an identity. "I would love that dad. when?" I asked

"On your birthday next week we can throw a giant party and invite the news and I can announce to the world that the mysterious girl hanging out with spiderboy is my daughter. I truly think you're ready." He spoke.

"I would love that dad!" I smiled. We ended up flying back home and putting our suits back in the cases and I was tired. I said goodnight to my father, and headed to bed. I was laying there staring at the delivered messages sent to peter. This isn't right why isn't he responding? Did my dad take his suit or something? It was making me mad I went to my dads room to check if he were asleep and he was. I made my way down to his lab and stopped for a second to look at my suit. "Damn looks so good" I said to myself. I carried on to my mission.

"Friday!" I spoke out.

[ah Ms. Stark what can I do for you]

"Text peter Parker as my dad"

[are you sure?]

"Yes come on"

[what would you like it to say?]

"I want it to say" I took a second to think "hey kid, are you awake?"

[sending message 'hey kid, are you awake?"]

I waited for a little and got a message a minute later. Are you kidding me?

Peter: yeah I'm awake Mr. Stark. What's up?

"Respond with 'can you come over tomorrow' I paused to think and I remember my dad has a meeting at 10 tomorrow so I can get peter he right after he leaves. I went to finish the message 'around 10:30 am' I finished

[sending message 'Can you come over tomorrow around 10:30 am']

He responded immediately

Peter: of course sir I'll be there!

I cleared the conversation so my dad wouldn't find it and snuck out of the lab went back up to my room and hopped in bed. What am I gonna say to him. I face palmed I didn't think this through. At least I know he's ignoring me because he responded quickly to my dads text. I drifter to sleep planning our conversation for tomorrow.

I'm in love with SpiderMan (xReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz