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Hi my babies!

So for those of you who are here because you read my BoB fanfic The War Angel, WELCOME BACK! As promised here is new piece, following the events and characters of the HBO series The Pacific. In my announcement post I got the feeling like ya'll wanted a mix of something completely new but also familiar. So I thought this would be a good compromise, as this is an entirely different character but it still takes place during the war.

(also i'm going to try really hard to not make this like The War Angel: Tropical island edition)

to those of you who are here and have never read my other work and just want some Pacific fanfic, Hi how are ya? So, this is basically a fanfiction that is complete historical fiction- so don't give me any of that "this would never happen" bs. yeah I know. That being said, I am going to try to be as historically accurate as possible (which basically just involves me feverishly googling things to make sure theyre accurate)- so give me a break if it's not all 100%.

Anyways, thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, commenting, and saving my stuff to your libraries and reading lists. Seeing that people enjoy what I write, really warms my heart.

So enjoy! and Happy New Year!

A Duchess in the PacificOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz