Chapter 33

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"In Another Life"


"Do you remember when we first met? Your eyes are sparkling back then, you seem so pale, yet so beautiful," Joshua said.

We are sitting beside each other. "Yes, how could I forget that? You are basically being a gentleman that day," I laughed. I heard him chuckle, "Same thoughts."

"But do you remember back in those days wherein we would play a random song and dance with it until it's midnight?" I asked. Maybe he forgot?

"Of course. I remember when that particular random music became our favorite song," he said with a happy tone. "I remember it as clear as yesterday," he added.

Why does it feel like a pin was taken out from the wound of my heart?

"Also the lyrics meant something very special to me," I said. "In this sea of people, I can only see you. Do you know that I really dedicate those words to you, until now?"

"I want you to forget me, Mina. I know you believe that I let you go because I don't feel anything anymore. But it's not true, having you by my side is the best thing that happened to me. But the best thing I did in my life is to let you go so that you wouldn't get hurt further," he said.


"Mina, it's my Saesangs who are sending you threats. I know you didn't want the world to know about us, I know you wanted to keep us as a secret but they found out. I am so devastated, I want to ask for help from my members. I want to seek guidance from others, but I know I can't. Because you didn't want anyone to know," he answered.

"I hid the truth for so long. Your PD talked to me, he told me about everything. To be honest, I have no idea about how did he found out but he told me that your safety must be a priority. That's why I broke up with you," he said.

My heart is acting up again. I am getting more hurt than I imagined.

"I told myself that it's what would make you safe. Because to protect you there is no other way, though I prayed that you'd understand me someday," he added. "I never wished for us to fall apart, but I chose what is right. Dispatch was aiming to reveal us before, do you remember August 2019?"

"When Jihyo Unnie and Daniel Oppa wa--."

"Yes, Mina. However, Jihyo knew about us. She talked to me, do you know what she did?"


"She talked to JYP, asked, and begged him to pay Dispatch. She called me after a week, she said that everything is settled. We wouldn't be revealed, and that's when I learned that she's the one who volunteered to reveal her relationship to save both of us," he answered. "That's when I realized that she really got beyond the line to protect you. I am not our group's leader but I somehow understood her position. She is someone who is willing to risk everything for the people she loves, and you're one of those people."

"I broke up with you without talking in person so that I can fully lie and be harsh. I had a hard time while saying writing those words but at that moment, I just thought of what you can achieve in the future. Even if I know it would hurt you and me, I did it anyway. Because our ties are the ones who are keeping both us from moving forward and striving on our own."

He faced me and wiped my tears. "You see, I really loved you."

"And you did, too."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, brows furrowed.

"You loved me, past tense. In the past, when there's us, you loved me," he smiled. "How can you be so sure about that, Joshua?" I asked again.

"Because you don't love me anymore. You are just infatuated by the past and kept on clinging to the thoughts inside your head. Besides, I'm sure you love someone now," he answered. 

I stopped. Do I really love someone else? I tried to think but my head seemed empty. "Go and think of it," he said as he stands up.

"JOSHUA!" I shouted. He turned around and I ran to hug him.

"I understand now, thank you for explaining," I said. "Even if we don't end up together, thank you for the memories. I will treasure it forever," I added. I looked up towards him and stared at his eyes.

"In our next lives, when there's no barriers and obstacles. In our next lives, when we are not idols. I want to dedicate that life to love you," I said. Joshua smiled, "when that happens, I promise to never let you go again."

"In another life," he repeated.

I went back to Wonwoo's room. "Are you sure you'll be the one to look over him?" Seungkwan asked, I nodded, "yes. Please rest," I answered.

He left. I sat beside him and he sleeps.

"Hey, idiot. You better wake up, you get that?"

"I still want to love you."



"Welcome home, Jiyeon~," I said to my daughter as I am carrying her into our home. Jeongyeon is beside me, I didn't want her to carry Jiyeon for now. It's only been a week and she's not fully healed, yet.

I saw Jiyeon slowly opened her eyes, she's not crying, instead, she is staring at her father. "Aigoo," Jeongyeon said.

"Yeon, please rest, got it?" I said. She nodded, "Give me Jiyeon, first," she said. I passed Jiyeon. They're both lying on the bed. "Aren't you going to rest, Han?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I will clean the mess first, then I'll rest. Don't mind me," I answered. 

I started cleaning up the kitchen, the sala, and the bathroom. I'm sure she'll clean up when she got the chance so I ain't giving her that chance. Her cleaning hobby is very weird.

After I finished the mess, I got back to the bedroom.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw my two angels sleeping peacefully. I want to stare at them forever.

I got on the bed and Jeongyeon suddenly woke up.

"Go back to sleep, you're tired," I told her. "I am not sleepy anymore, you should sleep," she suggested. I shook my head, "My tiredness fades away just by looking at you and Jiyeon," I answered.

"I'm so happy," I added. I held her hands, "do you see this?" I asked referring to her hand. She nodded, "What about it?"

"I will never let go of this hand, never again."


risky risky rappy rappy singy singy dancy dancy

ps. i really ain't sayin' than "a" sentence >︿<

Behind The Mask ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें