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Okay! So before I even start posting the next book I felt the need to compose a small guide. I'll  break everything down by section.  btw i know the ages are a bit off but i’ll work on that eventually!


Let's  start with  Dragon Warriors!


Dragon Warriors are people who have been chosen by a specific Dragon. The Dragon chooses to put a small part of their essence into their soul, thus giving them powers and a longer lifespan. Every Warrior is born with a small birthmark that is in the shape of a dragon. This is proof that they are a possible candidate of being a Warrior. There is no 100% guarantee that a Dragon will choose them or that they will even pass the Change.


The Change is a 3 stage process where the body goes through a painful cleanse. The first stage is where every organ, nerve, muscle, and just any other fiber of their being reconstructs themselves to become suitable for a Dragon to reside in. Once this stage has passed, the second stage is the blood and soul purification. Basically, the body loses vast amounts of blood in order to make room to create a more “pure” kind of blood. Once the soul and blood are suited with the next body, the third stage begins. At this stage, the Dragons who are interested in the person now inhabit the body for as long as they desire. It’s sort of like a test run. After the test run, a Dragon then decides if they want to instill a part of their soul in the Warrior or not.


Now, Dragon Warriors have a specific task to accomplish. Because there are two worlds, they are in charge of keeping the peace between humans and mythical creatures. They also make sure that the humans do not come into contact or find out about Selithyka. This is why they look the most human like. They age a year every 75 years in Selithyka. Since every 5 years years is equivalent to 1 year in the human world, a Dragon Warrior would age 1 year every 15 years.




Melody Lynn Ryuu

Age: 18

Dragon: Metzli, moon dragon

Abilities: illusions, dream manipulation, hypnosis (includes sleep hypnosis), ability to manipulate water, wind, blue energy manipulation (this is also used for light constructs). Enhanced eyesight in the dark.Healing properties.Able to control bodies (though not that good, it’s only when there’s a full moon and it’s very rigid and unpredictable).


Lucas “Blaze” Kempt


Dragon: Sol, sun dragon

Abilities: earth, sun, electricity, and light manipulation. enhanced strength , durability, stamina. and speed (more so than the average Warrior). red/orange energy manipulation. kinetic absorption. healing properties.


Now let’s keep in mind! Blaze and Mel are warriors that compliment each other, so basically, what Mel can’t do, Blaze can.


Nathaniel “Nate”  Bradley Aryes (he took after his mom’s last name)

Age: 24

Dragon: Ishkur, storm dragon

Abilities: detect weather change and oncoming storms or climate change. create tornados, rain, any sort of weather. temperature control. durability in the harshest of weather (imagine him in just a t-shirt in the middle of a snow storm).

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Dragon Warrior Charactersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें