23 Essence

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I'd burn every soul I knew if I thought the fire was warming you.



"What is the report on our soldiers, Taha?"

"We've a good number, my Ameer. But a great portion of Baghdad's army is still under general Eskander. Besides, he has freed mercenaries from war prisoners and they're working for him. It can put us at a disadvantage."

"Then we'll need more on our side. If it comes to mercenaries, I'm willing to pay double the price Eskander pays to the treasury for them."

"The crown will not permit you to buy war prisoners. They'll only suspect you more for treason and Al Hadi will find an excuse to oust you."

He takes his mark and releases the arrow from his bow. It hits exactly in the center of the mark. He loads another arrow in his bow and takes a mark again.

"I've thought about it, don't worry."

The arrow hits the mark once more and he lowers his bow, running his eyes over the grounds of the barracks until they fall upon Eskander and fixate him. He's busy training the soldiers, quite a number surrounding him. But he knows just the man who has always been a rival to the general. Someone competent and daring enough to stand against him. He will need that man to be on his side. He'll have to find a way to do it.


"Yes, my Ameer?"

"Send a messenger to Muawwiz ibn Al Jarrah. Inform him that I want to meet him as soon as possible."


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"Who is the lady?"

"Which one, sayidati?"

"The one behind the bushes with a book."

"Ah. That's syeda Jumana. She's the caliph's personal physician."

"Al Hadi's?"

Tamara gives her a puzzled look as if wondering whether there's another caliph known to anyone.

"Yes, sayidati."

"Personal physician, you say." Noura eye the woman. "Interesting."

Jumana looks up and their gazes meet. She has a book in one hand and a herb in another. Her eyes flick from Noura to Tamara before she straightens from where she's leaning over the bushes and tips her head at Noura. Noura acknowledges her greeting with a nod.

She walks around from the bushes to come into the clearing. Putting the herbs between the pages of her book, she hugs it to her chest.

"Amira Noura Al Makhzum?" she speaks softly, a question in her sun alight eyes.

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