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Frantically running his hands through his hair for the millionth time, Walter let out a groan in frustration and glared at the overdue paperwork on his desk. It was not much but he was in no mood to do it. His mind was far too preoccupied with something else, he could not concentrate, and it was driving him insane. 

Just why could he not get the boy whom he had run into a day ago out of his head? What was so significant about him? Where did he know that face from? It was definitely familiar...

Walter needed answers but he also needed to rest his mind. Deciding to call it a night and planning to finish off his work tomorrow, he made his way to his bed. Unfortunately, he spent most of the night lying awake, his mind more active than ever and he only fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. 

Georgie seemed distracted when she bought Erica her breakfast the next morning.  Today was the day she had promised to meet Louis. 

Two days ago, when she had lost Erica while at the market, the panicked girl went on a frantic search mission. Her mind concluded that if Erica had somehow gotten lost surely, she would have tried to make her way back to the river to find the bridge with the hidden tunnel to the Count's estate. It would make sense to do that.

Unbeknownst to Georgie, she was making her way to a very specific bridge that she was very much trying to avoid at the time. She was not even close to the bridge when the dashing young heir to his father's dukedom spot his beloved in the distance.

The joy he felt when he saw her filled up his heart to the brim. He knew that bringing his cousin with would pay off even if said cousin was currently not with him. This just proved his point that Aleric was indeed his lucky charm. 

Georgie was too focused on finding Erica to notice the charming man who had caught up to her. He was unimpressed that she had not noticed him and rather impatient, so he gently tapped her shoulder. That was the wrong move.

Georgie's reflexes instantly kicked in as she thought that she was being attacked and slapped the poor man right across the cheek. The sound was rather loud, so much so that it attracted a few curious looks from the civilians passing by. 

Louis yelped and clutched his cheek. Why was this woman so violent? But it was okay, he would still love her no matter what.

"I'm so terribly sorry. You gave me a fright Sir." Georgie apologised frantically not yet noticing who he was.

"Your slap is as powerful as I remember." Louis smiled removing his hand revealing the red mark beginning to appear.

"You?!" Georgie exclaimed.

"I have a name you know." Louis chuckled and tucked his hands behind his back.

"I do not care what silly name you may have why are you here?" Georgie narrowed her eyes trying her hardest not to fall for the trap of his beautiful smile.

"I have been waiting for you and you finally came to me." 

"I did not." Georgie dramatically gasped as she tried to defend herself.

"You did too." Louis smiled smugly and folded his arms over his chest. Georgie's eyes could not help but follow the movement. She would never admit it but just about everything this man did she found highly attractive.

Louis noticed her eyes and flexed a little. What he was flexing one did not know for he really did have just about no muscle.

"Would you like to touch them?"

"Yes, I definitely d- I mean no. No!" Georgie tried to catch her mouth from revealing her thoughts,

Louis smiled. She had totally fallen for his dashing charms indeed.

"Go ahead. I know you want to."

Georgie narrowed her eyes at him but inevitably gave in. She could not resist. She stepped forward and gently placed her hands on his biceps. She was just about against him. Louis took that moment to pull her in for a kiss.

Georgie completely melted into it. Why was she trying to avoid this man again? Who cares.

When they finally parted Georgie gave a sigh, "I hate that I don't hate you, even though you are a pervert." 

Louis had a cheesy goofy smile dancing on his lips to happy to pay any mind to the 'pervert' comment.

"You know whatever this is we will soon have to end it. I do not know who you are, but you clearly out rank me." Georgie frowned. The truth was harsh, but it needed to be said. 

"My name is Louis Trencent, I'm the next heir to the Trencent Dukedom and nephew to the King. I have the power to choose whoever I want to spend my time with, and no one will dare say a thing against it." 

Georgie's eyes widened. She had no idea that she was fooling around with a soon to be duke. She had thought that he was a Lord or something, yet he was way beyond that. 

"Your Grace, I am but a servant with a humble background. Being around me would be disastrous to your reputation." Georgie looked down in shame. She was embarrassed at her rank.

"I do not care who you are, for you are you. Why care about my reputation? It is mine and I can do what I want with it and as I just said no one will dare say a thing against it." He lifted up her chin with his finger, "Also call me Louis."

As soon as he had those words, Georgie immediately locked lips with him again. This time the kiss was very passionate. Georgie hated how Louis knew exactly what to say. When they temporarily parted for air, Georgie told him her name.

They spoke a while more before Georgie noticed the warm afternoon light start turning golden. The sun would set soon, and she needed to find Erica. 

"I need to go." She gave a sad a smile. 

"Wait. Meet me here again in two days?" Louis gently grabbed her hand stopping her.


"You promise?" He searched her face desperately for reassurance.

"Yes." Georgie locked lips with him on last time before they parted.

Unfortunately, Georgie had been riddled with work. She had to many tasks to do and even when she had requested the day off from the head butler, she was denied. Georgie really did not want to let Louis down. She desperately wanted to see him again, but luck was not on her side.

Erica easily noticed the troubled Georgie and tried to console her miserable friend. Georgie was grateful for this. She kindly asked Erica if she could deliver a letter for her. Erica was in every position to decline but did not. After she had successfully snuck in and out of the estate two days ago without being caught, her confidence had risen. She was definitely braver.

Added to the fact that Walter had not been to the estate yet to confront her o worse, inform the Countess, meant that he had not recognised her or simply did not care. She had spent the past few days stressing over nothing. 

After being off of the Alvore estate for a day, she found herself craving it again. It felt like freedom. Her mind also kept drifting to the beautiful man she had interacted with. In the short time of knowing him, she had developed quite a liking to him. Perhaps if she were to sneak out, she might be able to run into him again. She doubted it but it was worth a try. 

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