03 Light

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Tell me then, does love make one a fool or do only fools fall in love?

Orhan Pamuk


"Ah, these conspiracies the palace has taught me, do they make me a bad man, Buraq?" He runs his hand down the forelock of his horse. "Maybe they do. But at least everything is going as as I want it to."

When caliph Khalid ibn Al Malik passed away and her father left the advisory council, soon afterwards he departed from the world too; her family left everything behind and moved to Isfahan-- her mother's hometown. That was when the first big rebellion shook the kingdom and he lost his everything, all signs of the golden days only part of his memories and none to live anymore, until he fortuitously found her again-- a souvenir of his golden days. So he has decided if there's anything left of his past-- his home-- he will reclaim it.

"How fortunate to be reunited with you again. But I've overstayed my welcome here." He gazes out at the desert, its dunes resembling the waves of his life. "Baghdad is your home, and it's time to take you back there, malikati (my queen)."


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The evening is in its late hours of survival when the troop of men unload their horses at the outskirts of Isfahan. Despite the exhausted looks on their faces they move fast to build up tents for the night and prepare dinner to eat. No minute has been wasted ever since her abduction from her home-- Noura gathers they must reach the palace in a short timeline. Within a few days, she knows she will be too far away from here to simply run back around to the comforts of her home. Her heart has been grieving over the tragedy every second of their journey but she feels bounded by the circumstances.

The commander of the troop, Muawwiz, unmounts the horse and offers her his hand. She ignores his help and gets down the horse herself. He chuckles lowly and clicks his tongue. Noura daringly lifts her chin at him and parallels his stare. He reaches behind her and hold the noose of his horse, trapping her between himself and the animal.

"Men," he calls out whilst keeping his eyes on her. "Prepare a good meal for our guest."

Noura clenches her jaw and bites back her tongue, never once letting her gaze cower in fear of the man in front of her despite the chaos within her chest from the fear of impending fate.

"We don't treat thieves very well, little one," Muawwiz speaks calmly. "But you're the general's family, and unfortunately him and I come a long way together."

From the choice of his words and the tinge of venom in his tone, he doesn't really sound fond of Eskander to her. They must've some rivalry between them, and sadly she has become a piece in the puzzle.

"What is your name?" he asks her.

She purses her lips, not responding, glaring at him. He lets go of the horse and steps back from her.

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