
I've noticed that The dark of you has become a really popular book. I am paying attention to comments. I appreciate it and you who read my books. I want you to know that I'm not ignoring you by not replying to comments or messages you send me. 8 months ago I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. This means I lack dopamine and dopamine plays a role in many important functions, including movement, memory, pleasurable reward and motivation. When I'm low in dopamine levels it can make me feel tired, moody, unmotivated, can’t concentrate, and anxious. I won't feel pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences. I can become depressed and feel hopeless. I have to find something that offers me dopamine constantly. Which can be my job, video games, music, writing or audible books. But once those things don't offer dopamine I will move over to the next thing that will offer me dopamine. Sometimes I won't be able to find it, which makes me end up in a spiral of low dopamine. Which feels close to depression. What I am trying to say is that I'm not always able to focus on my writing if it doesn't offer me dopamine. I can't do something if there is no dopamine involved. It feels forced and painful to do things that I have no interest in. I might not always be able to write, every week, or month. Sometimes it can take months before I find the dopamine/motivation to do so because my attention/joy can be attached to something else because it's that thing that is giving me the dopamine that I crave. So if I don't end up publishing a book for a while that is the reason. I won't publish a book that is not completed. I've done that mistake once. But now I know that I can start something but not complete it because of my ADHD. So if I publish a book on Wattpad, it is already completed.
          	I'm currently on the road to unmask and understand myself.
          	I'm learning my needs and wants, and what is overstimulating and understimulating. 
          	This is for mental health awareness, 


@Dreamondreamer96 wow all your books are amazing . Thank you


@Dreamondreamer96 I have ADHD and ADD  as well my motivation and intrest dont last that long i normally game and listen to music to help me focus. I love every chapter you write and they are worth the wait. Put your self first always.


@Dreamondreamer96  I'm sorry that you have to go through that, know that you're not alone and it's okay to feel that way. stay strong , i support you and many of us here too. take your time hopefully you are getting and feeling better
          	  thank you for sharing it


Hey sorry for the introduction, it's my first time writing a book and frankly I'm still struggling and I would appreciate it if someone could check my book. English isn’t my first language and honestly, I’m not good at it, but I guarantee everyone that it’s not that bad, and wish everyone an agreeable day


@lolitaingride1 i can check it out for you, that's if you don't mind. 


Hai dream i really enjoyed reading your story ' dark of you ' Rylan won my heart , after reading your book I wished i could meet someone like her , you are such an amazing writer for making me fall in love with a character in your story , 
          I am looking forward to read more of your stories 
          Your fan 
          Snigdha ❤️