This profile is run by @akiimarvelous

This profile is committed to keeping the community safe and wants to make sure that the stories being told on Wattpad do not contribute to real-world harm. This profile is for everyone. Applications to join the community will come up soon.

Wattpad is a place where people can feel safe to express their voices and be themselves. Now more than ever, it's crucial that we use our voices to amplify knowledge and spread positivity.

Remember, you heard and you are valued for the way you are.

This profile will help you find useful resources, share great stories, host contests, and we aim to help make your life a safe and happy one.

If you see something that upsets you, you should see if it breaks the Wattpad Content Guidelines. If it does, you should report it to Wattpad so they can help you.

Remember that you are important. No matter what someone else shares or posts, you deserve to be treated with respect and compassion and do not have to suffer being

We welcome ideas for anything you would like to see included here, but please do not advertise your own work on the profile.
  • Üye olduFebruary 27, 2015

Son Mesaj
BullyingPrevention BullyingPrevention May 08, 2024 06:17PM
BullyingPrevention’s first ever BookClub is published! Do check it out!
Tüm Konuşmaları Görüntüle

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A book club where people can come together and support each other's stories.
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11 Okuma Listesi