Chapter XXIII - Glacia II

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They silently sat in the helicopter, waiting for Gelatia's accomplice to give them the signal. The aircraft slowly skimmed above the skyscrapers and made its way toward the southeastern side of the target — the Rimensk Town Hall.

"Where is he now?" Glacia inquired.

"He says he is moving into position," Gelatia, who was wearing a headset, said wearily.

"He said that five minutes ago."

"Because he had just begun moving into position," Gelatia replied. "Relax, he did not arrange the darned EMP just to mess up the timing."

Glacia sighed. "Can you see any guards from here, Olnice?" she asked her pilot.

"At least five. Two each by the east and south tower entrances and one patrolling the square," Olnice replied.

Glacia had mulled over the decision to let Olnice in. It was bad enough that Gelatia knew about this — but Gelatia had troubles of her own.

Olnice, on the other hand, was as spick-and-span as they came. She had been in Glacia's employment for six years now. They had flown to countless construction sites all over Cryovrost in this very helicopter, removed from the noise and bustle below. Never had Olnice ever stepped out of bounds or tried to pry into Glacia's business. And that was what convinced her in the end that she could trust Olnice.

Just as Glacia had anticipated, Olnice had not asked any questions — other than when she should get the helicopter ready.

"None by the generator?" Glacia asked.

"None that I can see," Olnice said.


The skies were clear by now, and the town hall was clearly visible in the distance, looming in the neon-lit city center. It consisted of four towers set equidistant from each other and centered around the circular council chambers. The towers themselves were curved, steel-and-glass structures with their concave sides facing inward. The intervening spaces between them were lined with high brick walls, barbed at the top. The eastern tower, comprising most of the civic departmental offices and databases, was the tallest — even now, the occasional window could be seen lit up, especially near the base.

There were several squares of gardens sprawling over the ring between the towers and the central council chambers. The storm from the afternoon had left most of them covered in glimmering, white powder, but some of the dwarf pines had broken through, and the spruces had shed off their snowy cover.

"Ah, he's in position," Gelatia exclaimed.

"I can visually confirm that," Olnice said from the cockpit.

Glacia got up from her seat and stood next to Olnice, peering through the windscreen. After much squinting, she finally spotted a white van, blending in with the snow-covered road and pavement, standing idle next to the southeastern wall.

"OK, get ready, everyone," Glacia said as she hurried back to the helicopter door on the left side.

She opened the door just as Gelatia opened the one on the opposite side. A cold wind assailed her face and blew her hair back. The view below dizzied her, and she had to grab the handle by the door to stabilize herself. Don't slip up here, she told herself.

"Hurry up," Gelatia called from the other side, already sitting at the threshold, her legs dangling in the air.

Glacia gingerly sat down on the floor and edged closer to the opening. Finally, she let her legs hang over the edge. She grabbed the harness sitting nearby and began securing it around her shoulders. It was attached to a black rope that wrapped around the handle near the door. Gelatia had arranged the thing, claiming it was designed to be used by rookies.

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