Chapter 65: Finn

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I meet Owen down by the lake at dinnertime. The counselor is standing by the water when I arrive, his back to the trees, and a canoe at his feet. He's staring so intently into the dark water that he doesn't notice my arrival until I'm practically standing at his side. Tentatively, I reach up and tap him on the shoulder.

Owen jumps at my touch. Surprise flashes briefly across his face before he plasters on one of his typical, easy-going smiles. "Finn. So good to see you. I didn't think you were going to show up."

"Me either," I say, without enthusiasm. I've held a grudge towards the counselor ever since he gave Ronan and me kitchen duty for asking too many questions about Clancey's accident. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I thought we could go for a quick boating outing," says Owen, gesturing to the canoe. The sight of the chipped, algae-stained boat doesn't bring back many happy memories. "Don't look so worried, it won't take long. I just want to paddle out to the center of the lake and talk. A nice chit-chat between two friends."

I have no intention of chatting or canoeing with Owen, so I decide to skip straight to the point. "Is this about the Kraken?"

Owen looks startled again, but only for a second. I bet he didn't expect me to be so abrupt about it. But I'm not stupid— there's only one reason he would want to talk to me at the lake, and it has to be the Kraken. He must have seen the tentacle that day, even if he acted like he didn't. "Why, yes Finn, this is about the Kraken." His smile doesn't look so easy-going anymore. It's starting to remind me of mom's smile whenever she's asked about dad— taut to the point of snapping. "How about we get in the canoe and talk more about this later?"

An uneasy feeling starts to spread through my gut, like fungus growing on a decaying tree trunk. I can hear my father's cop voice whispering in my ears: don't talk to strangers. Don't get in a stranger's car. Or canoe, in my case. "Why can't we just talk here?" I ask. "It takes at least half an hour to get to the center of the lake, and I still haven't eaten dinner."

"I would rather this conversation be private, Finn."

I glance pointedly around the empty beach. "There's nobody here. Owen."

The counselor grimaces at me. He's not even trying to keep up his fake smile anymore— now, he just looks plain vexed. "Please, don't make this more difficult than it has to be. I don't want it to be difficult."

"I'm not trying to be difficult. To tell you the truth, I don't know anything about the Kraken other than that it lives in the lake. You're talking to the wrong person. If you want more information, I suggest you go ask the Director."

"I don't think you're the wrong person, Finn. I think that you've formed a special bond with the Kraken, and I think you're exactly the person I want to be talking to right now."

"Are you kidding me? I only saw the Kraken once. I haven't formed any kind of bond with it— it  probably doesn't even know I exist."

"Don't lie to me, Finn. I saw you summon it that day on the beach."

"What? I'm not lying, I swear. That day on the beach was an accident. A fluke. I don't know how to summon the Kraken. The only person who knows how to do that is the Director. Seriously, you've got the wrong guy!"

"Finn, please calm down. Like I said before— I don't want to make this difficult."

"Yeah, me either. So leave me the hell alone!"

"You know I can't do that. Please, Finn. Just get in the boat."

I shake my head at him. This is all spiraling out of control now— I can't believe I listened to Ronan, I can't believe I trusted Owen. I have to get out of here so that I can tell the Director what's going on. "You're crazy," I tell him, jerking my finger at his pale face. "You're crazy, and I'm not getting in that canoe with you. I'm not doing anything for you ever again."

The Kids Aren't Alrightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें