Chapter 17: Ronnie

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I drive home in the car with Saige, Ivan, Blake, Danni and Jason.  Kimberley has to stay back at school to serve detention.  Jason sits in the passenger’s seat and Logan is driving.  I sit in the back with Saige and Danni.  Saige sits in the middle while Danni and I take the window seats. Ivan and Blake sit in the way back by their windows.  Blake is playing on his phone or texting his girlfriend, Irene. 

                “So how was school for everyone today?”  Logan asks. 

                “Pretty good for me,” Saige starts.  “I got an A on my math test and I have only a little bit of homework.”

                “Good job, and Danni how about you.”  Logan asks but keeping his eyes on the road. 

                “I just had a normal day nothing special.”  Danni says.                        

                “And you Ronnie.”  Logan asks. 

                “I got called to the office across the street because the police had to check me for ‘drugs’ and any other ‘weapons’.”  I say putting air quotes with my fingers. 

                “What? You had to go over?”  Logan says surprised as he comes to red light.

                “Yeah, the teacher said that I needed to go down to the office.  When I got there two police men were there.  One of them was named John and the other was named Ricky. He was shorter than the other one but he was nicer.”

                “Put their names aside, did they do anything to hurt you?”  Logan asks worried.  I just grin.  “No, they just patted me down and walked me across the street to see Kimberley.  Jason and Blake were there.  I was just there so they could confirm that I didn’t have any weapons on me.”

                Logan sighs as the light changes to green. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

                “Logan they weren’t going to hurt me.  If they were to do anything bad to someone it would probably be Kimberley.”

                “She got lucky with warning from them.”  Blake adds still texting on his phone. 

                “What do you mean?” Logan asks looking at Jason next to him.  Jason was listening to his songs on his phone with only earphone in to listen to the conversation.

                “Well, the police were going to probably throw her in jail for a couple days.  Luckily, since this was first time she’s ever gotten in trouble they let her off with a warning.”  Jason says to Logan.

                “Yeah, but she still has a month of detention.”  Blake points out.  Jason looks up and shrugs. “Yeah, I guess so.” 

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