A Hopefully Quick Recovery

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I woke up in one of the agency Hospital rooms. I looked around and saw Ellie waiting next to my bed. Rusty was also there pacing the floor. I sat up slightly so I could see them.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked mostly to get their attention. They looked over and smiled bigger than I've ever seen.
"Leah, you're awake." I nodded and smiled.
"Seems to be that way, yes."  I said with a joking smile before she gently hugged me. Rusty walked over right beside me and smiled.
"Good to have you back Agent Riley. As soon as you feel up to it we need to ask some questions about the case." He said with his typical business face.
"Alright, how long am I in here?" I hated hospitals an just wanted to leave.
"As long as it takes for you to recover."
"Any idea how long that is?" I asked anxiously.
"No, you lost a lot of blood and you just had surgery a couple days ago. Let's not push it." I wasn't happy with his response.
"Come on Rusty, I want to put that no good, Russian spy, date shooting, son of a killer, in prison for life." I said angrily remembering why I was in the hospital in the first place.
"I know, but recovery  first. But since we don't know how long that will be, I'm going to send the detectives in for questioning." I shrugged to let him know I was ok with it.
"Whenever your ready." He smiled, then called them in. The detectives walked in ad grabbed a couple chairs. One was a boy and the other was a girl They say by my bedside while Ellie and Rusty left the room.
"Mrs. Riley, could you tell us who is behind this crime?" The woman asked while she got out her notebook.
"I don't know the mans name, but he's in custody. His son was also a large part of the crime completion. They were after me, that's why they sent the Russian spys as a diversion. Levail Levi is his adopted son and he was the one who shot me." She finished writing everything while her partner took a shot at asking me questions.
"And why were they after you?"
"That was the man who shot my sister, he wanted to get rid of me because I knew too much."
"Uh huh, and what do you know?" I adjusted my position on the bed then continued.
"He was going to kill his wife who happened to be staying with us. I didn't know at the time, but she was running from him because he was abusing her. He accidentally shot my sister, but then she shot him. He fired two more shots and killed his wife Stephanie. He also shot a picture frame that shattered into my eye. He then trained and sent Levail here to learn everything he could about me, then trap me. He sent Russian spys says to kidnap me while we were on a date." This time he as writing everything down.
"I think we have everything we need, thank you for your time." I smiled, then they left.
Ellie walked back in.
"I'm really sorry, I never should have sent you alone with him. I just knew you liked him so I wanted you to be happy." I grabbed her hand and looked at her.
"And I am, I learned the truth about him. I didn't wanr to believe it, but he nearly killed me. But I still have you and that's all that matters." She smiled and almost cried.
Rusty walked in, but he didn't seem happy.
"Hayleiah, I have a request from Levail. He would like to see you when you recover." He said with a frown.
"I dont want to see him and let him know o told him to back to whatever dark hole he came from." He smiled at my comeback.
"I'll let him know, would you like me to use those exact words?"
"You can quote me on that." I said with a smile. Rusty left to go talk to Levail and I stayed awake until the doctor came in.
"Mrs. Riley, it looks like your recovering beautifully. You should be out in a couple days. We want to keep you for just a while in order to make sure your stitches hold. We know when yoir an agent their are no promises, so we keep everyone just a little longer." He said with a kind smile.
"That's fine doc, I could use a break anyway."
"I'm glad you see it my way. I'll be back in a little while to change your bandages." I nodded, then he left the room.
"Hey Ellie, I'm bored." I said with a whine.
"We could talk or watch tv." She suggested.
"I guess, but I need something to stimulate my mind." She thought for a moment, then went to grab something. When she came back she had a few books. A sudoku book, a crossword puzzle book, and a word search book.
"This will work, thanks." I said with a smile before taking them.
"I thought they might, I like to do them in my spare time." She sat down in the chair by my bed and took one of the books I wasn't using. I worked on sudoku while she did word search. Rusty came in a while later and sat with us.
"He insists that you come and talk to him." I rolled my eyes.
"He's not in a position to tell me what to do. The only thing that I'm gonna do if I see him is cuss him out anyway."
"I know, but apparently he needs to confirm something with you. He wouldn't tell me what it was, but he figured you would come talk to him eventually." I threw my head back and sighed.
"Fine, but only so he'll leave you alone. I dont get released for a couple of days anyway." He smiled knowing this would be his last trip to the holding room. He wasn't happy about me agreeing to see him though. He was mad at Levail too. Everyone was, but he chose what he wanted.
Ellie and I did some puzzles for a while, then the doctor changed my bandages.
I then took a long nap.

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