21: The Old Women

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"I drive for a living. One night, as I was driving through a passageway under a highway bridge in Kanagawa, I saw an old woman standing on the side of the road on the sidewalk behind the safety rail. It's a pedestrian area and not a busy street at all, so I didn't think anything of it. Then I saw her ahead of me again on the side of the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but when I stopped at the next red light—still on the same road—there she was again.

"The light turned green and when I stepped on the gas, she ran out in front of my truck. I slammed on the brakes and was sure I hit her, but when I got out of the truck there was no one there.

"Down the street from there I found an old sign from the police asking for information regarding a hit and run accident, but I was too afraid to call and ask if it was about an old woman or not." 

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