Chapter 7

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"I never knew you went through something like that." Eunice said.

"It's okay, i have been facing it, that is why i must protect Nicole at all cost." I said. I have been fighting an inner battle with Killain.

"I want to mark you." Killain said after pulling the last string and finally won.

She was taken aback by the husky voice.

"What was that?" She asked. I cannot reply her because our handsome gentleman, Killain is attending to her.

"Hi, i am Killain and i am his wolf." He said.

Dummy! I scoffed.

"Ohhh, hi." She said shyly. She ready calm down a bit.

"Should we go for a run?" He asked.

"Run?" She said.

"Yeah, run in the woods." He said with a smile. Gosh my wolf has been whipped which is now affecting me.

"Okay, how do we do that?" She asked.

"Wait..... Don't tell you want to shift into your wolf form?" She said while he just nodded.

"What? Are you scared?" He asked feeling concerned. He would not do anything to make her scared even if it is not shifting in her presence.

"No, it just that the last time Nicole shifted, her wolf was licking me all over and it feels weird please don't do the same." She said while i giggled.

"Okay." He replied. I know for sure that that is the first thing he will do when he comes out. He stood up and went behind a tree. Stripping off the clothes, you could hear bones cracking and reforming. This makes me remember my first shift, it was a very painful experience because my parents were not there to help me just some elders. I wonder how Nicole did hers, she must have suffered. That is why i want her within me. After he was done with the shifting, he came out in his huge black furry wolf.

I noticed she gulped down nothing, i wanted to laugh at how scared she was of my wolf. Killain barked at her. She just stood there transfixed.

For fuck's sake, do you want to scare her? I asked the dickhead.

He went closer to her, she could not move, i could feel a little bit of fear. And he did the thing he sadi he was not going to do, he bent down to lick her legs. She jumped up.

"I thought i told you not to do that." She said after being brought out of her thoughts. He gave a Wolfy grin. He was about to do it again when she started running away and here comes the chase.

After a while of chasing around in an attempt to lick her, they stopped. He urged her to climb on his back which she did and then he took off.

"Wow, this feels good." I heard her say, killain took that as a encouragement and he started running in an inhuman speed. They came back after a while. I shifted back into human.

"Mark me." I heard Eunice's voice say as we were about to enter the room. I turned to look at her.
"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes." She said and nodded.

Before you know she was slammed on the door. My wolf has been struggling to take control but no, this is my turn. Closing the door, we started off by kissing slowly, softly and passionately. Hmm, she's quite a good kisser. Before you know the kiss grew into the one of hunger, domination, and intense. We kept on kissing.........

This will be a very long night.


I ran after Xander immediately he left the hospital, i did not know where he was going so i just followed him. He needed someone to comfort him and i will be just that person. He loves his sister so much. During the time we were still seeing each other, he would talk about his sister, sometimes i think he was in love with her.

I stopped abruptly as i stood transfixed. He... He came after her. He came to comfort her. Oh, how foolish i am. I stood behind a tree and watched how they were fighting, kissing and playing. I felt a pang of jealousy, Xander would never let me play with his wolf. He changed into his wolf and took her for a run.

I felt heartbroken at the sight alone. I remembered when he asked me out first, he said that he loved me but this...... I just could not take it. He took my virginity but what? He dumped after that. I felt broken and disgusted with myself. Anytime i tried getting closer to him, he will keep telling me not to come anywhere near him. He has a mate. I rejected mine for him. How stupid i was.

But i would not give up like that, no i won't. I stood up cleaning my tears.

"This is not the end." I said and went to my house.

So guys i already updated

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