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Four months later...

"It says the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty." Tulip read the semblance of a Claddagh ring from the phone as she stood behind the restaurant's bar. "You know what this means?"

Neisha shifted the gold ring on her middle finger side-eying her friend's smirk and giddy disposition. "That he wants me to be his girlfriend like...he said."

"No." Tulip shook her head making her thick-curly mane dance. "It's been four months since ya'll have been dating and I know you like taking things slug slow but after the Claddagh ring comes the engagement ring which means I'm going to plan your wedding."

Tulip did a happy dance that made Neisha erupt in laughter and when Sidney skipped towards them she also wore a smile. Sidney slid onto the barstool next to Neisha, set an elbow on the pristine new counter, and rested her chin in the ball of her hand as she drummed her fingertips against her cheek.

"Me?" Sidney pointed to herself with confusion and glanced over her shoulder. "Nothing. Rien."

"Then why are you repeating yourself?" Tulip leaned over the fully stocked bar and peered down the hallway the little girl had just traveled down. "Where's your shadow."

"Who?" Sidney asked, her braids cascading over one shoulder as she tilted her head dramatically.

Neisha chuckled with a wag of her finger. "What did you and Daequan do?"

"Nothing." Sidney's face remained stoic but her eyes were shifty then she smiled sweetly at Tulip. "Mommy, this is a lot of glasses. Can I help?"

Tulip narrowed her eyes at the child knowing something was amiss but her Uncle Irvine was watching her so how much trouble could she possibly get into? "Grab one in each hand and walk, not run."

Sidney did as she was told following behind Neisha with Tulip stuttered behind them with three wine glasses in each hand as they made their way to the restaurant's formal dining room. She didn't run but Sidney sped and walked to the raw wood long dining room table that stood out amidst a cobblestone wall giving the privacy of the diners but couldn't contend with the beauty of the vineyard lit up by solar-powered lights along the paths.

They placed the last glasses on the table and Tulip should've been relieved but she felt like she was forgetting something as the restaurant's celebratory party was about to commence. She had been planning the festivity for a month before its completion and she wanted to ensure that the party dazzled and satisfied the owner. However, she knew she could've sent out a Facebook post inviting wine connoisseurs, food critics, and travel writers to a barbecue in the backyard and he'd been fine. But she wanted to show her appreciation and make his wildest dreams come true.

"The chef is missing a lamb chop." Jasper's voice broke through her thoughts. "Does anyone know where it could be?" He didn't waste time glancing at the two women, he trained his sight on the little girl beautifully dressed up in a tulle dress leaning against the table.

Sidney opened her mouth and closed it back with a pout from the glare Tulip cast her way.

"Dae was hungry." She lowered her head. "He created a puddle of slobber in the dirt and I had to help my best friend. Isn't that what best friends do?" She looked up sweetly at Jasper and Tulip could see him turning soft and gooey on the inside.

"Nope." Tulip stepped next to Jasper. "First, you shouldn't even be in the kitchen. Too many accidents can happen and second, you don't take things without asking. Do you understand?" She waited for Sidney's answer which was a 'yes, ma'am. "Now, go apologize and tell him the lamb was good because Dae wasn't the only one that had a taste."

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