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 "Why'd you cut all her panties though?" Sid was doubled over the sleek wooden bar cackling with Viv. Day drinking was fun. She forgot just how enjoyable it could be to let your brain go to fuzz before the sun went down.

"Because the bitch was with my man. Had the nerve to bring luggage! So, after I ran her off and she left her bag behind, I cut up all her panties and tossed everything out of his window. He proposed the next day." Viv winked at Sid and Sid howled with laughter.

She lost track of what number drink she was on. The bartender at Antoni's had a heavy hand and at Vivian's urging, he kept pouring. She'd been at the bar approaching two hours and she'd lost track of what number drink she was on. Three? Four, maybe? It seemed she also lost track of her mission in coming here. It was to get a job. Not get drunk. She reached for the water and sipped to start the sobering process.

"So, when's the wedding?"

"Early next year. He's opening a restaurant in Sicily in a few months so we had to push it back."

Sid nodded appreciatively. Vivian hit the jackpot. She'd managed to parlay an unpaid internship into a two-year relationship with the Executive Chef. Sure it was highly fucking inappropriate and a little odd-- he was 47, a handsome and simmeringly hot 47 but still entirely 47 -- but if the wedding went off without a hitch she'd be set for life. She's being paid to be a glorified hostess. It put her in an excellent position to help Sid with her current predicament.

"Well, I'll keep an eye out for my invite." Sid gave her a matter of fact look.

"Of course! It's going to be back home so get your tummy ready for massive amounts of Jollof rice." Vivian gave a sly smile. Her teeth popped against her silky dark brown skin. Anyone could totally see why the chef wanted to lock her down. She literally had on a loose white tee and jeans and looked absolutely stunning. Sid tried to straighten her shoulders as she continued.

"I'm always down for Jollof. So, listen, speaking of cooking. I recently left my last spot and I was wondering if you knew of any openings. Here, or, you know, like, anywhere?" Sid chuckled and sipped from her drink again hoping that it didn't sound as desperate as it felt leaving her lips. Vivian downed her drink and clapped her hands.

"Oh my God, yes! This will be perfect. Greg has his stupid little cousin coming in to test in the kitchen tonight for a line gig. The boy just graduated last week and he's a stoner dick. Hate him. You'd run circles around him! Just come in tonight around seven, show him what you can do and he'll definitely put you on."

Here's the thing about breathing-- is that it's so automatic that you barely notice it. Sid hadn't noticed that for the past week her breaths had been shallow, barely there. Not until she took a deep breath at that moment. The way the oxygen rushed to her brain, she felt dizzy with joy. Yeah, maybe it was the liquor too but it wasn't all of it. She was on a wave of relief and she really wanted to hop off the stool and hug Vivian. She didn't know how she just saved Sid's ass. Not only would she be working, but she'd be in a kitchen. Amazing.

"Viv, you're amazing. Thank you." Sid felt herself getting choked up, emptied her drink instead and pulled herself together.

"Stop, stop, stop. You'll be doing us all a favor if you're in that kitchen," Viv waved her off while simultaneously waving the bartender back over, "Another one?"

She had a job opportunity and a free afternoon, she'd for sure have another.

"One more for the road."

Two drinks later Sid ambled on loose legs out of Antoni's. She looked back at the awning and blew a sloppy kiss toward it. That place right there was her new chapter. No, it wasn't Persian and Mediterranean fusion but it was two things that she needed the most. 1. Not The Grazie and 2. It paid. All she had to do was get home and change and spend the next three hours sobering up. The sidewalk was a moving mass around her. Yeah, she really needed to sober up. She was closer to Tomi's place and would get there quicker. She twirled around trying to remember which way the bus was.

After multiple revolutions in the middle of the sidewalk and several curses being tossed at her she figured she'd let an app do the work for her. She tapped her phone and entered Tomi's address. As the directions started, she popped her headphones in to listen and to call Tomi.

Make a right on Grand street. Sid made a sharp left before correcting herself. She needed a coffee and a nap ASAP.

"Hi, Sweets." Tomi answered. She sounded upbeat and airy. Like today was good day. Sid smiled. It was a good day for both of them.

"Hi, hun. Whatcha doing?" Sid asked as she dodged a dog peeing on a potted plant against a beautiful condo. These folks really let their dogs pee against luxury condos? And she was supposedly from the hood? Tuh, Sid thought.

"Obviously nothing as fun as you. You sound washed! Why are you drinking without me?" Tomi asked. Sid could hear intermittent beeping behind Tomi's voice. It kind of made her sound like she was talking over a weird techno beat. Sid giggled.

"I got a job today."

"Yas, homie! Way to put in work. Who, what, where, when?"

"I'm on my way. I'll tell you then."

"I'm on my way out actually. Showing some of my work to this crazy rich couple in Connecticut." Ah, Sid thought. The elevator was the weird techno beat.

"Oh no! I mean, that's awesome...but I needed to crash. I drank sooo much."

"I'll leave the key with Morris. Just make some coffee and crash. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Coffee and Crash. Sounds like a slapstick comedy duo." Sid devolved into snickers.

"You're such a giggly drunk. It's sickening. Bye." Tomi hung up.

Make a right on South Sixth street. Sid, still giggling from her little joke, approached the corner and instead of making a right, stepped off the curb, making a sharp left into the street.

The bright blue helmet was the first thing she saw. It's blue mixing with red and yellow to make flames that wrapped around the back of his head. His mouth was shouting and shouting. As much as Sid wanted to move, no matter how many signals she sent to her legs to step back onto the sidewalk they wouldn't react quickly enough. Her foot had just started to lift backward when the cyclist plowed into her. The weightlessness of being airborne was all she felt. And it felt nice. Actually beautiful for a moment. To have no control over anything, even the responsibility of keeping your own body upright. Sid closed her eyes, not sure of how long the feeling would last. She knew that a starling crash to earth would come, but until it did she would enjoy being suspended. 

Is Sid okay? Lord! Everything was going so well!!

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Is Sid okay? Lord! Everything was going so well!!

Just so you guys know, this book is about 30 chapters long IRL but I like to break up the Wattpad chapters into smaller chunks that are easier to consume. So at the end, we'll have about 60 parts. 60 mini-chapters if you will, lol. 

As always, thanks for laying your lovely eyes on this and I hope to have another part up mid-week. 

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