Chapter 22: Fear

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I saw the fear build up in her eyes.

I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up.

As she stood, I hovered above her.

She clung to me, my shirt in her fists.

"I'm not going to let you fall."

"Why do I feel this way?"

"What way Clara?"

"I want to escape you and never see you again. I want to be free. but then again I want to stay here, with you. it's like I don't want you but I feel like I need you."

"Know you know how I feel."

We stood there on silence, our gazes met.

Clara is my little angel, I'm slowly corrupting.

Her fragile figure, her smooth skin, everything about her was so intoxicating.

I remembered the time when we had our first encounter. When she accidentally bumped into me I saw her walk to the booth. when she sat down the light hit her angelic face.

Once I gathered up the nerve I finally walked over to her.

She was the definition of an angel.

I could tell she was shy, and it was her first time here.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard my phone ringing.

"What?" I answered.

"We know where you and Clara are Andrew and we are coming for her."

"You'll have to get through me first." I spat back.

"Oh we intended to. until then.."

The line went dead.

I shoved my phone back I to my pocket and turned back to Clara who was asleep or passed out.

I picked her up and walked her upstairs and laid her in the bed.

Once I laid her down I handcuffed her hand in the restrained on either side of her. then her ankles.

"Can't have you trying to run away."

"They aren't going to take you away from me Clara. I won't let them. I know I may be crazy but I'm crazy in love with you and soon you will see that."

I images what I would do without Clara but I cant.

She part of my world know and I can't let her go.

She is the one person I need, trust. the one person who actually keeps me sane. with out my little angel I will go crazy.

I hate having to hurt her but if it's the only way then it's what I must do.

We will be together forever, we are engaged.

In a couple weeks we shall be married and living in Australia, living happily in the warm sun all year round.

playing in the water, watching the sun set every night only to be greeted by the moon.

I can't wait. soon she will be my happy ending as i am hers.

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