Come With Me

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Over a thousand reads, guys. I'm so ecstatic right now, thanks to everyone's support, even the silent readers. Though it'd be great to hear you out in the comments, I completely understand your feeling of reservation. I love you all, truly.

Olivia's POV

"You can't go in, lady!"

I tried so hard not to snap at the pretty blonde haired woman standing between me and Shayne's office.

At first I'd just thought she was doing her job as Shayne's secretary, but it was soon evident that she didn't like me one bit.

"I already told you, Shayne said I could go in," I said, starting to get really frustrated.

"And I already told you, she would have informed me," she said with a fake smile.

She gave me another rude and judgemental once-over.

What was her problem?

"Althea, sweety, why don't you go do something constructive, huh?"

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard Sasha's voice.

How did she always show up when she was needed?

"But Shayne said that I shouldn't let just anyone into..."

"Althea, move aside," Sasha said, getting in between me and the blonde.

The slender blue eyed woman gave me a hateful eye before clearing the way.

"Thank you," Sasha said, and opened the door to Shayne's office.

I stepped in right after her.

Sandalwood and Lavender.

Her amazing scent was everywhere.

She was everywhere.

I could see it in the dark walls. In the massive, dark mahogany desk. The dark, firm and comfortable chairs. The two black leather sofas. The tall and wide dark shelf against the wall. The masculine and plush grey carpet.

The only bright thing in the room was the floor to ceiling windows that allowed a lot of light to get in, with a beautiful view of Los Angeles city.

"That woman worships the ground Shayne walks on. Unless it's work, the poor blonde never receives the type of attention she craves. I was once there," Sasha said as she led me to one of the sofas.

I looked at Sasha in shock. "You were?"

She laughed freely as she sat across the sofa from me, her dimples amplifying her beauty.

"You've seen Shayne, I don't think it's much of a shock." She straightened the top of her elegant royal blue jumpsuit, and crossed her legs.

Of course I'd seen Shayne. I wouldn't have been questioning my own sexuality if I hadn't.

"No, it's not. But I just never saw you as a woman who sought out any type of attention."

"Oh, I can seek attention if I really want it. But I was a little younger than you when I first met Shayne. Lord, I was so infatuated by her."

Looking at the beautiful brown skinned woman in front of me, I wondered how Shayne hadn't managed to slip a ring on her finger by now.

"Did she know?"

"Of course. We went to the same high school, so I told her at our senior year prom."

"And?" I said, eager to know anything that involved Shayne's past.

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