Nearly Injured

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Emptying the bathtub, she stood up and got out of the porcelain device. She dried herself off with one of the towels in the bathroom and changed into her new undergarments. Afterwards, she put on her medium orange v-neck, tan shorts and her pale green wristwatch. In the process of getting dressed, she had taken the wrapper off another one of the candies and had placed the strawberry hard candy into her mouth.

Now dressed, her (e/c) eyes directed themselves over to the plush dark red bathrobe. Picking it up, she did note how soft it was and couldn't resist putting it on. Once it rested on her form, she honestly felt like she had a giant teddy bear wrapping its arms around her. Not only was it incredibly comforting but also it hid the various injuries she had received over the past week.

Her ankle wounds were still visible, and the bath had been relaxing, but the water stung the wounds quite badly. If it wasn't for the sweet scent of cotton candy, she probably would have focused on the pain more.

Deciding that she might as well keep the plush robe on, she grabbed some more bandages and sat on top of the toilet seat. She removed the old bandages, threw them in the trash and replaced them with the clean new ones. When she was done with this, she stood up and threw her dirty clothes into the clothes hamper.

Upon doing so, she realized that she should probably wash her clothes soon. With this thought, she made a mental note to do the laundry later if Drem would let her. She proceeded to exit the bathroom, as she stepped over the knives on the floor in the process. Once she was clear of the knives and in the living room area, she peered around for the monkey.

She looked to the kitchen, since he had mentioned brunch in the note. He wasn't there, though, and the unnerving atmosphere was still lacking from the home. "Drem?" she called out hesitantly, as she now inspected the living room area more. The male wasn't there either. Maybe, he was in Nathan's room?

Turning around, she headed back to that room and searched it after entering. Once again, she couldn't find him. Just where could he be? The thought to escape crossed her mind, but the situation was too weird to assume that he wasn't watching her from somewhere.

Leaving Nathan's room, she opened the backdoor and scanned over the garden. The garden was barren of him as well. What was going on? She hadn't checked the laundry room or the garage, but she didn't know why he would be in there. Granted, there were tools in the garage, but why would he need those?

Blood draining from her face a bit, she wondered if he was planning a new scare tactic on her and that the bath had been a way to lower her guard. She nearly choked on the still dissolving strawberry candy in her mouth. Nathan had shown her what was in the garage when he had given her a tour of the house, and she didn't wish for Drem to use any of those tools on her.

Horrid images now overtook her mind, and she found her feet paralyzed to her current spot. Growing increasingly scared by the second, she moved her gaze to the trail of knives on the ground. She went to the closest one, once she regained movement of her feet, and went to pick it up.

Out of the corner of her eyes, however, she saw Drem in her room. Her hand withdrew from the knife, as she breathed a sigh of relief. That reassurance vanished, though, when she noticed him not moving and just locking his gaze onto her. His head slowly turned to the knife that she was about to pick up before he looked back to her.

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