31. Innocence

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My love, I can't believe what just happened!
I am so disappointed and you killed the faith in me,
I believed in you. If anyone tried to break us apart I would stop them,
and disbelieve anything bad they say about you
I tried to hide my pain but I failed
My love, everything has changed now. We've lost everything,
To me you were unreachable, so high,
It is hard to believe it with your innocent face,
It is even harder after falling in love with you,
My fate is confused, after being so certain that it is my fate to be with you,
I blamed every step on the longing, and I put excuses to my mistakes,
Until my excuses became my mistakes and got rejected,
If time took out its sword, and fate was sealed, no one can fix it or do anything about it,
If the wishes and the flowers die, who can return the colors and brashness to life?
I wrote you as my secret poem.
I am sick of hiding my pain.
My love, when you are here, it is like heaven to me but when you leave it is hell.

Fazza's PoemsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora