CHAPTER NINETEEN: Singed Hair Is So Unattractive

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Jessaline sashayed over to my friend and squeezed his arm. "Geoffrey Oakdale, look at you," she purred. "Someone has been working out."

Geoff was trying not to look too pleased. "Oh, well, I . . . it's training and all . . ."

"What," I spat. They both turned and looked at me. "Are. You. Doing. Here."

Jessaline's eyes lingered on the pumpkin stains on my pants. "Nice to see you too, Noelle."

"I said, what are you doing here?" I seethed inside and I must have been seething outside, too, because she took a step back. "You've been following me, haven't you? First Viridian, and then our carriage. The one you left us broke down on me."

Her eyes flickered to the pumpkin with amusement. "So I see. But it looks like you were able to replace it with your typical rustic flair."

"Aha! So you admit it!" I shouted.

"Easy," Geoff said, grabbing me. "I'm sure she has a good reason for being here."

Jessaline frowned at his hand on my shoulder. "Of course I do, not that it's any of your business. Sloane gave me a few days off and I wanted to explore and relax."

"Explore and relax?" I repeated. "In the same places where I just happen to be working?"

She rolled her eyes. "Please, Noelle. Not everything is about you."

That did it. I lunged at her and Geoff had to drag me into the tavern to keep me from committing murder with my bare hands. "What is with you?" he scolded, when we were out of earshot. "I know you hated each other in school, but we're not on the playground anymore."

"This is more than that. My trainer's reputation is at stake," I snapped. Quickly, I filled him in on everything: Jessaline eavesdropping on me to get into C.A.F.E., Maud and Sloane's rivalry,  and my suspicions about Jessaline and Sloane trying to sabotage us.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Geoff said, sighing. "But you don't have proof. Look, you're my best friend. I'm on your side. But you play into her hands every time you get mad."

He had a point there. "All right, but that doesn't stop me from hating her guts," I grumbled, then took a deep breath to calm myself. "Okay. Let's go in."

The tavern looked like a grounded tree house, with walls and floors made of thick wooden beams. The place was empty except for some old men playing a rowdy game of chess in the corner. All of the furniture, from the chairs and benches to the stools and tables, were half the size of what I was used to.

Two small men stood behind the counter. They came up to my waist and had bright, watchful faces half-covered by impressive dark beards.

"What can I get you folks today?" one of them asked. He had sharp blue eyes that took in every inch of our appearance. "We've got a butternut bisque that pairs nicely with our house ale and fresh-baked bread."

I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a huge sneeze from the other dwarf. It splattered the counter in front of him and Geoff and I exchanged glances, hoping he wasn't the cook.

"How many times have I told you to cover your mouth when you sneeze, Rhinus?" the first dwarf groaned. "It's rude and disgusting. My apologies, young people."

"It comes on so fast, I can't help it," Rhinus mumbled.

I handed Madam Chu's letter to the first dwarf. "This is for you. My trainer, Maud N. Lee, was supposed to deliver it to you, but she's ill."

"Ah, my good friend Lin." His face brightened at the name on the envelope, then filled with concern. "What's wrong with poor Maud?"

"She worked herself too hard, but she's resting now and should be fine in a few days."

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