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The tears I was trying to hold, fell on my cheeks.

Annie saw them and her features softened. I know she felt pity for me but I want her to be honest so I composed myself.

"Annie, did they die?" I repeated it to her even though each word were like a knife stabbing me on my chest.

"Ms. Cara..."

"Did they?" I made myself sound strong even if inside, my whole being is collapsing.


One word. 

It was one word but it was so heavy, it made my world fall to pieces.

"Thank you for being honest to me." I took my plate to the sink, turning my back to Annie whom became silent.

As soon as my plate washed, I wiped my hands with the paper towel and avoided looking at her.

I glanced back on the stairs, thinking twice if I should get up there and see Alex, but after awhile of debating with myself, I chose not to.

I'll breakdown if I see her now after the talk I had with Annie. 

Ever since we came back, I would cry in the shower so Alex wouldn't hear me. Or in our bed when I know she was in deep sleep.

I don't want to show her weakness, she need me to be strong, she need a shoulder to grab on when things starts to collapsed and I need it to be me.

I left the house without turning my back.

As I sat alone in my car, the weight of the conversation with the nurse pressed down on me like a heavy blanket. 

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, trying to keep my composure, but the floodgates of emotion burst open. Tears streamed down my face, my chest heaving with sobs. 

Each breath felt like a struggle against the overwhelming sadness that threatened to consume me. The reality of Alex's battle with a terminal illness hit me like a freight train, and in that moment, all I could do was surrender to the grief and let the tears flow freely.

After what felt like an eternity, I wiped away my tears and took a deep, shaky breath. 

I knew I couldn't stay in that place of despair forever. 

With a determined resolve, I straightened myself up in the driver's seat, mustering the strength to continue. 

Turning the key in the ignition, the engine hummed to life, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the car.

As I drove back to the office, the roads blurred with my tears, but I focused on the task at hand. 

With each passing mile, I tried to push aside the overwhelming sadness and fear that threatened to consume me. 

I reminded myself of the importance of being there for Alex, of being her rock in this storm of uncertainty.

Arriving back at the office, I plastered a forced smile on my face, determined to mask the turmoil raging within me.

Stepping out of the car, I squared my shoulders and marched forward, though the weight of that one word still hung heavy in my heart, I knew I couldn't let them dictate my actions.

"Hey, where were you?" Lisa greeted me as soon as I stepped out of the elevator.

"I umm... I went out for lunch, why?"

I walked towards my table, Lisa walking beside me.

"Mr. Williams was looking for you earlier. He's waiting for you."

I nodded at Lisa and she left me alone.

I put down my bag on my table and head to Alex's office. Her Father is occupying it for the mean time.

As I knocked at the door, familiar scenes flashed back before my eyes. The moments I shared with Alex in this office, every time I will approach this door, the gush of emotions will flood through my veins, feelings I couldn't explain before.

"Come in." 

I pushed the door in and there was Mr. George in his suit, sitting in Alex's swivel chair.

"Oh, hi, Ms. Greene. Come in, come in." He stood up and guided me to sit in front of his daughter's desk.

"Did you go home and checked on Alex?" He asked as soon as seated.

"Yes, sir. She was asleep though."


"I was told that you were looking for me, Sir?"

"Oh, yes, yes. I figured you went home when I didn't see you here earlier. Anyway, my wife Agatha called me this morning and was worried of Alex, we all are, of course, and she wants me to grant you an indefinite leave starting tomorrow." Mr. Williams were looking at me, half-smiling.

He didn't opposed to my relationship with his daughter but I know he wasn't thrilled as well. If I'm being honest, I felt like he just didn't say anything only because of Alex's condition.

"With all due respect, Mr. Williams, I don't need to take a leave of absence to care for Alex. I'm there for her in the morning before work, I go there at lunch time and at 5 in the afternoon, I'm going there straight. I understand the concern of Mrs. Williams, but we all know Alex, she wouldn't like it as well if I will stop everything for her."

Alex and I had this conversation already.

At first, I thought of it and I want to be there for her 24/7. 

Alex insists I keep going to work. She doesn't want to feel like a burden, even though she never is. And she doesn't want to be the reason I stop working, telling me this is my time to build myself a career and didn't want it be in the way of that.

Mr. Williams nodded his head multiple times.

"That's  what I told Agatha. She's also basically there everyday, I come every time I have the chance, anyway, I'll tell her what you said, please expect a call from her today." Mr. Williams smiled before dismissing me.

The rest of the afternoon was also busy. I guess with Mr. Williams's presence and the fact that he is the owner and Chairman of the company, the people here seemed to be more tense.

Everybody, I mean literally everybody was not stopping, every after a task, there seemed to be more, it's like the work suddenly became more where I think it was still the same as when Alex was here.

I guess they're more scared of the Chairman.

"Cara!" I heard someone calls me as I was gathering my stuff, ready to clock out of the building.

I looked around and see Brian peeking out of his door waving at me.

I waved back and signaled to wait for me.

I rushed to get my things and headed to Brian's office.

"Hey!" I greeted him.

"Hey, so, Peter is coming as well as Claire. Are you sure this will be okay with Al?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay, don't bother ordering anything, okay. I got that covered. I will come as soon as I finished my meeting."

I planned to have some visitors tonight for Alex. 

Ever since we came back, it was just us and her parents, I want her to see other people, talk to other people other then ordering her employees over the phone.

Though I'm not sure what would be her reaction, I'm hoping it would be a positive one.


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My BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora