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Athena pov

“Even tough nails grow rust,” my mother says, her eyes burning through me. I just stand like a statue while I listen and wait for what more is to come. I know she has a lot to say to me. She raised me, and I know her too well. She is a grudge keeper, and when you think one thing is forgotten, it will come up again, followed by others.

I stare at my feet, hiding my shame that I have given her this power, that no matter what, I will always come back here, proving how right she always is.

“Can I sleep? I have been on the road for hours,” I whisper.

“So I have heard,” she says, and I look at her, wondering what she means or if Mason already told her that I had gone with Rome.

“You know he is the one that hurt me,” I say.

“We are women. We are made to withstand anything,” she answers.

“Even tough nails grow rust,” I remind her of her statement and walk away to what used to be my room. A flood of nostalgia envelops me, transporting me back to a time of innocence and wonder. It’s a haven where my fantasies soared, dreams took shape, all within the comforting embrace of these four walls.

I wonder if from these walls, I will find myself again.

I am surprised that she didn’t change the room into something else. It is still the way I left it. The only difference is the new sheets that spread across my small bed. I pull them away and throw them at the corner of the room, making it with my own sheets.

Once done i lay on top of it and fight the temptation to check my phone. It is easier that way, if i do, and find a message or call. Then it will be the message or call i ignored not the message or call i didn’t see.

I slowly open my eyes, my surroundings blurred. A dull ache pulses in my head. I have no idea how long i have been sleeping. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and plant my feet on the floor. As i stand my muscles feel fatigued and the body stiff.

As i step out, i can hear familiar voices and i tiptoe to confirm first about the other voice. My mother is seated on the couch and my cousin on the other.

With hesitant steps, I approached them and my heart races with a mix of excitement and anxiety. As I stand in front of her, I notice that her eyes mirror my own feelings of uncertainty.

“Hi..” I say unsure and her eyes just remains on me. The wall that is between us two is unscalable, built by bricks of doubt and apprehension.

We used be close, inseparable and shared a bond that was once unbreakable. But then slowly i started to pull away, Mason didn’t like her. He would say she was a bad influence and being unmarried at her age, she would only misled me, and our once strong connection faded into silence.

“I will leave you girls to catch up,” My mother says.

I step aside as she walks away. I remain up and my cousin, Joy still stares at me. She was like a big sister to me since i was born. I admired her confidence and guts. She went after what she wanted, lived life without regret, being with her was an adventure itself. However, there is a stark difference between us when it comes to the topic of marriage. She swore never to get married. While from a young age i knew i would get married and have kid. I found that life to be grounded for me.

“I am happy to see you,” I say, trying to break the ice.

“Cut the crap Ena!” She barks.

“I am sorry, i ghosted you.” I say.

“You choose him....” She shakes her head and rubs her temple frustrated, “You know what? i don’t care, that is not why i am here.” She says.

I didn’t think much to her presence and now i am curious how she knew i came back, “Then why are you here?” I ask.

“Marriage is good and sweet and blah blah ... now go back to your husband. That is why i am here.” She stands up ready to leave.

I shake my head in disbelief, “My mother asked you to talk to me?” I ask, anger building inside me.

She remains silent and that’s all the answer i need, “Since when did marriage start to matter to you?” I ask.

“Since i got married and had a kid,” She states, shocking me.

“When?” I can’t believe she never told me or thought of inviting me. She was there on my big day. Guilt stirs in me.

“Who are you?” She shakes her head and starts to leave.

“I would have come if you had told me,” I say.

“I did,” She says and walks out.

It is not long before my mother comes back again, “She has already left?” She asks.

“You didn’t tell me that Joy was getting married,” I state.

She smiles, “I told Mason to tell you,” She says as a matter of fact.

“Why didn’t you tell me directly?” I question, feeling a pang of resentment.

“I could have if you had answered any of my calls,” she responds.

“Since when has that ever stopped you from telling me anything?” I glare at her, knowing that regardless of whether I picked up her calls or not, she would find other ways to communicate with me, like texting or even showing up at my house unannounced.

“You didn’t miss much. Your wedding was much better,” she says, as if that statement could somehow alleviate the situation.

What was i thinking coming back here. Should i pack and run away again? I am tired of taking the easy way out. I must face each and every thing that i have run away from. Other wise nothing will ever change no matter where i go.

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