Chapter Two

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I thought long and hard about what had been said thinking everything through properly. I could tell he was getting impatient with having to wait for my answer but he didn't rush me. "I don't think I can do it sir. I was never cut out to be a recruit." I don't know why but that was the way I had always felt, I was never really recruit material and it was evident from a young age which was why I joined the Marines. I was born to be a marine, it was where I belonged.

"Miss Taylor you left this place five years ago, the day before your sixteenth birthday. You never gave yourself the opportunity to go on an operation so how would you know that you're not recruit material? Think of it this way, you are the only ever female marine who has been trained in any combat position because by law it is not allowed, why would people take such a high risk on you if you weren't any good?"

"I don't know sir but they did."

"They took a chance on you because you were a good sniper and a damn good marine. If you didn't want to be a recruit then why did you come here today?"

"I don't know sir. I don't think I was expecting to be leaving alive sir." I answered truthfully and saw sadness in his eyes. "I'm no longer a marine sir; I have nothing left to live for."

"Hey don't speak like that, once a marine always a marine." Seeing that his words had no effect on me he decided to try something different with me. "Come this way." I followed him out of his office back down the maze of corridors to the barracks. I walked in behind him and the laughter and chatter that had been drifting down the corridor only seconds before went silent, I guess this guy was well respected, or feared. "Is that who I think it is?" Some young man somewhere in the corner of the room asked. "Holy shit its McKenzie Taylor." I snapped my head up to look at him but it was a face I found unfamiliar. "Are you coming back Miss Taylor?" There was happiness and pride evident in his voice and I don't know why, I had never done anything worthy of his admiration.

"I don't think so." I mumbled sheepishly hearing quite a few people start speaking over one another to try and convince me before Boss Man silences them all.

"Miss Taylor here will be our newest recruit. She will be bunking with Daniel Lowes and you will all report to the mess hall tomorrow at 0600 hours." He then turned quickly on his heel striding back out of the room and leaving me in a room full of complete strangers. "Where are the women all staying?" I asked the first person I could get to once they all started chattering again.

"What are you on about? The last of the women in department twenty one left two years ago. You are the sole exception." Why am I always the sole exception, there is nothing special about me.

By now everybody had gathered around me in a circle. "So McKenzie, still reckon you're the best fighter like you used to be." Somebody asked.

"I'm sorry what was your name again sir?" I asked politely.

"I'm Dean."

"Well then Dean, would you like to challenge me?" There were a chorus of oohs as everybody took three steps backwards giving us some more room. "I'm presuming the old rules apply, no shoes, no shirt?" I asked already kicking my shoes away.

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