Chapter Twenty Nine - Her Family Gathering

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"This place is so nice, Jackson," I gushed as I took in the fancy restaurant with the fabric table cloths and napkins. I had rarely ever been to a restaurant this formal before. I was nervous for a repeat of Watergate.

What I was mostly hoping for from this date was a level of comfort that I hadn't reached with Jackson yet. The conversation hadn't flown like I had anticipated. Our texts were just as awkward as our in person interactions and I hated that formality. I even tried googling how to fake casual talk while in a relationship but I got conflicting advice.

"Just for you," He grinned at me.

We ordered steaks and as they arrived, I tucked my napkin into the top of dress so that I could leave the restaurant in the same condition that I entered it. Jackson gave me an odd look. "It goes on your lap," He gestured to the napkin, laying his on his lap gently.

I blushed and removed it before mimicking his actions.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?" I asked as I struggled to cut my steak with my knife.

Jackson's eyes were very focused on my steak cutting (or lack thereof). "I'm probably going to spend it at home. I miss my family and they usually throw a huge party when we all come home."

I smiled, "That sounds so fun. I think I'll do the same with my parents. It's the first year I'm not working for the holidays since I started college."

"Don't you miss them?" Jackson asked as he gracefully took a bite of his steak. I was still currently sawing a tree trunk with a butter knife.

I took a swig of my water before getting back to the physical labour that was my steak. "I guess. I find it kind of nice to get a break from them sometimes, honestly."

"Oh," He murmured. "Honestly, I can't get enough of my family. I talk to them constantly."

"That's really sweet," I stated.


My fork scraping against the ceramic plate.

Sweat dripping down my neck as I panicked.

Jackson's phone rang and I jumped at the intrusion. He gave me an apologetic smile. "It's my mom. Do you mind if I answer?"

I nodded, "Please do! Tell her I said hi! Or I guess she probably doesn't know anything about me. In which case, don't mention me at all. Please just answer," I babbled.

He gave me a flustered smile before answering. "Hi mom... I had no idea. I'm actually on a date... yes I'll see. Love you too, bye."

He hung up the phone just as I had finally sawed off a bite of steak. Jackson used his napkin to pat his mouth clean (I thought it looked spectacularly clean to begin with but to each their own).

"So, no pressure, but my mom decided to throw an impromptu 'you're halfway through med school' party for my sister and forgot to tell me about it," Jackson laughed.

I nodded, chewing my unusually chewy bite before swallowing it with an audible gulp. "Did you want to cut our date short? I can grab a cab from here."

He shook his head, "No, I wouldn't want you to do that. How do you feel about coming with me?"

"Coming with you," I gaped at him, "To meet your entire family?"

He shrugged, "Only if you want to. They're pretty sweet."

I nodded slowly, "Sure." Though what I really wanted to scream out was are you insane?! I can barely keep my mouth shut enough to talk to you much less your entire clan, but figured I should keep my mouth shut and thank the lucky stars he liked me enough to keep me around for now.

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