8| Dinner Parties

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I'm an idiot.

I never should have said anything. Tucker helped me get ready tonight and Alina picked me up at 7. When she came to the door, I think my heart stopped. She looked absolutely breathtaking. And I'm sure I looked like a dumbass.

Scratch that, I know I looked like a dumbass.

"Hey," she said smiling. "You ready?"

Before I could answer Tucker came to the door.

"Sup shawty." they did a hand shake that threw my mind for a loop.

"Since when are you two best friends?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"Uh like forever. Also that reminds me I have officially replaced you with shawty bae here." he throws an arm around Alina.

I would be worried that Tucker would like Alina because it's Tucker but I know he's got the hots for Hali.

"My lord." I said rolling my eyes. Alina laughs and I just stare at her. She acts as if nothing happened earlier and I won't bring it up if she doesn't. I don't want to hurt her again.

"We have to go," she says waving goodbye to Tucker and Callum whose sitting at the table doing homework.

I grab my wallet and phone off the table and Callum pats me on the back. "Proud of you man." I just laugh.

"If you're starving before I get home there's leftover lasagna in the fridge." I say walking out the door.

"Thanks mama hen." he blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it but give him the finger instead. I hear him laugh as I close the door.

Alina waits in the hall for me. "I didn't know you could cook."

"Yeah..." I say walking down the hall with her.

"You have to cook for me sometime." she says stepping onto the elevator.

"That'd be fun."

It's a long elevator ride down.

We've been silent in the car for twenty minutes. Neither of us taking, but the occasional glance at each other.

She finally broke the silence. "You look really good tonight."

"So do you..." My words just stop there like I have no control over my brain function.

"A little preparation for you." she says eyes still glued to the road. "My parents names are Delilah and Mark but don't call them by their names unless they say to. So for now it's Mr. Bardot and Mrs. Bardot."

"Mr. and Mrs. Bardot." I whisper to myself.

"Also they're friends Susan and Donald are coming same thing. There last name is Bellerose." I nodded my head and she continued. "Don't bring up anything about their marriage or me. You can talk about my dad, famous football player. Mom was a cheerleader. And her little ankle biters name is Kiki. She'll talk about that stupid dog for hours so only bring it up in an emergency."

I punched the name Mark Bardot in my search engine. 2 dozen articles popped up. "Oh wow." I said. "He was like really famous."

"Yeah talking about the glory days is my dads specialty. But he's not the one you gotta look out for. He'll be nice to you unless you do something to piss him off. Mom is the one you gotta watch out for. She's going to overanalyze everything and make snippy comments but just let them roll and continue talking."

The entire car ride Alina filled me in on all the right things to say and not to even bring up.

Walking up the steps to her parents mansion I just stood there in awe. "Holy shit." I muttered.

Alina rang the doorbell. "And I'm going to be clingy and touchy. I need my mom to believe we're a real couple." she starting messing with my tie when the door opened.


Holy mortherforking shirt balls...

I was sweating like a pig. Nervous out of my mind. I was adjusting Reece's tie when the door swung open.

"Rosa!" I exclaimed as she hugged. "This is Reece. My boyfriend." I turned around where Reece was standing.

"Nice to meet you." she said hugging him too.

"Is that my dear daughter?" I heard my call from the lounge. I grabbed Reece's hand and lifted his chin up. "Chin up." I whispered.

We walked into the lounge where mom and dad, and Susan and Donald were sitting.

"Hello honey." my dad said hugging me. My mother just smiled at me from behind my father.

"Are you going to introduce us?" my mother said smiling at me. I stepped back and grabbed Reece's arm.

"This is Reece." I said my insides twisting. "Reece, these are my parents." Reece and my father shook hands.

"Good grip." my father muttered. My mother just nodded at him.

"Please sit. I'm sure you two have had a very long car ride." my mother practically shoved us onto a sofa. I was still holding Reece's hand. He didn't let go either.

Susan and my mother started talking again and I leaned against Reece's shoulder.

"So far so good." he muttered. I gave him a little shove.

"You're going to jinx us." I whispered.

Reece's hair never knew which way to lay down. I reached up and brushed a strand down, to lay with the rest.

His eyes met mine and I smiled.

I heard a crash and jumped. Reece put a hand on my knee and turned towards the bang. I turned too and saw Daniel walk from the back room.

"My lordy." I muttered. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey stranger." he said enveloping me in a hug. I laughed.

"What the hell?" I said.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now