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omniscient | february 17th

"ooh" saige spoke as she sat up, she started to rub her belly in circular motions as she felt her legs getting wet .

she already knew what it was due to her being 2 days past her due date .

she started shaking brandon to wake him up and eventually she succeeded.

"what's up saige? i'm tired" he spoke as he turned around in bed .

"my water broke" she spoke calmly , he jumped up and walked over to her side to help her up "you wanna change or you wanna go in this?" he asked looking at the wet spot in her night gown "change" she spoke .

as saige changed her clothes brandon woke brielle up and grabbed the hospital bag.

while in the car another contraction hit saige causing her to groan in pain.

the pain she was feeling was the worst she had ever felt before .

"hurrryyyy" saige cried as she continued rubbing her belly.

all she kept telling herself was it'll be over soon and the pain wouldn't last forever .

they got to the hospital and as soon as they walked in nurses saw saige was in pain and helped her .

soon they were all situated in a room , and brielle had called marq but he didn't answer .

"if he misses this baby being born he'll never meet em" saige spoke as she took her phone from brielle .

"oop" brielle spoke backing up .

saige went to her messages with marq .



unless you're dead you have no reason to miss your baby being born tf .


i know you sleep with your ringer on

you know what? nevermind fuck you

i got all who i need here . period

as she was going to send more texts she felt another contraction coming causing her to sit the phone down .

"remember what the nurse said ? just breathe" brandon spoke as he started doing the breathing exercises with saige .

it wasn't at all helping her pain but she loved that he was atleast trying to help.

"i'm gonna check how dilated you are okay?" a nurse spoke coming in .

saige nodded then jumped a bit when she felt the nurse stick two fingers into her . "i'm sorry i should have warned you" the nurse spoke .

"but your about 6 centimeters and you need to be at least 10 to push so I'll be back soon" she spoke .

saige nodded and layed back down, trying to enjoy her peace before another contraction came .

hearing her room door open again saige looked towards it seeing marq .

she was sort of surprised he came although she did send threatening texts .

when marq found out about brandon and saige dating he felt betrayed, like she was cheating on him , she told him he was crazy for feeling that was because he was married .

seeing amira walk in after marq saige rolled her eyes , then a contraction hit .

"that looks like it hurt" amira spoke as she walked over to saige . "it really does" saige spoke as she wiped her own tear .

another hour of that went by before her nurse came back in to check her again.

" looks like you're ready, the doctor will be in soon" she spoke as she started getting saige ready , propping her legs up and everything .

marq stood up and looked down at saige's vagina , seeing a head poking out of it he quickly looked away.

brandon stood up and stood by saiges side and grabbed her hand "you got this baby" he whispered to her .

in his eyes saige was having their kid and if it was up to him marq wouldn't be there .

"okay ima count to three then you push okay!" the doctor spoke as he put new gloves on .

saige nodded preparing herself .

after 5 pushes their sweet baby boy was out , marq cut the umbilical cord then the doctors cleaned him up and handed him to saige .

"he looks just like me" she coo'd .

"that's a damn lie , this baby is my twin" marq spoke . saige laughed "you wanna hold him?"

marq nodded and saige handed him over , she was exhausted and she knew they all wanted turns holding him .

marq looked down into his sons eyes , in that moment he regetted ever trying to get rid of him and vouched to be the best dad he could .

the nurse came in and smiled "do we have a name yet?" she asked .

"yes, ayden anthony williams "

"so you're really not naming him a junior?" amira asked .

"i gave the baby his middle and last name he should be greatful for that" she spoke .

"i like that name" she nurse spoke and sage thanked her .


that ain't da baby that's my baby 😏🧍🏾‍♀️

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