13. A Hookup

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I'm about to pull away but Josh immediately kisses me back. I fell his hands slide down my sides and falls onto my hips. He suddenly pulls them, pulling me onto his lap. I move my hand to his neck and stroke it slightly. He moves one of his hands around your waist and puts the other one on my cheek. We both pull apart very slightly and he kisses me deeply again.

He gently lifts up part of my jacket and strokes my waist as he kisses me. Neither of us want to stop but Josh's phone lights up and the ringtone goes off. We end up having to pull apart and I try move off his lap.

J: 'No, stay there'

He grabs his phone and answers it.

J: 'What do you want, yeah I'm kind of occupied at the minute. On mothers day? Thought you guys would be with your girlfriends or calling your moms or sum. Alright spare me the lecture, I'll go, give me 20 minutes. Yes I do need 20 minutes, and it's not to do with Blair.'

We both smile at each other and I lay my head on the right side of his chest. Josh smiles down at me and rests his head on mine.

J: 'No I'm not facetiming you right now, oh get fucked I'll be there in 20.'

He ends the call and sighs.

Y: 'Do you have to go?'

J: 'The lads want me to practise and because I said I'll be there in 20, they normally know I can he there in 15 when I want to be and started making fun of me cause they thought I was with you. Thats why he asked to facetime quick'

I giggle.

Y: 'You'd better go,'

J: 'Theres only one reason I said 20 minutes of be there instead if 15'

I look up at him and smile and he leans down to kiss me again. Just as hes about to reach my lips, I put a finger on his. He stops and looks at me, looking slightly confused

Y: 'If you go now, you might get more later'

He smirks and then kisses my neck. My eyes close and feel his hair brush past your chin.

Y: 'Hey, no, dont stop'

He laughs and kisses all over the hickeys.

J: 'Mmmmmm I gotta go now,'

You smile and nod.

Y: 'Alright see you soon'

He smiles, gets his stuff and leaves. I go back to my room and feel very happy with myself. While I'm laying there on cloud 9, my phone goes off. I look and see its Daisy and immediately answer.

D: 'Heyyyy queennn'

I giggle.

Y: 'Hey gorgeous, what's up?'

D: 'Ok since Josh and Liam are at their practise with all the others, wanna come over for takeout and a movie?'

Y: 'Oh yes please! God I really need pizza'

D: 'Figured that i didnt want you to be alone, especially considering what today is, come round now!'

I laugh and end the call. I quickly go to Josh's room and grab my jacket. I also get your purse and both sets of keys before leaving. I pull up outside campus and go to Daisy's and Liam's dorm. I knock and she immediately answers.

D: 'Hey bae!'

She leaves the door open and I go inside.

Y: 'Hey!'

As she walks, you notice that shes limping slightly.

Y: 'Hey you good? Your limping'

She turns around and smiles.

Falling For My Roommateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें