Hello there! So you just happened to stumble upon here eh? :)

I love music.
I love chocolate. Who doesn't? Ok...some people might not.
I hate going to school...well sometimes I get bored out of my mind so then I love school!
I don't always love life, but when I do I don't ;)
...Erm what else should I say? So as you can see...
I am not very creative.
I am indecisive.
I am very sarcastic.
I can get sad easily.
I am not that social. Bit awkward. *awkwardly chuckles* So..erm ...yeah...
I contradict myself sometimes. So forgive me!

*Just some Random Thoughts...

If you are having a bad day, just smile! Don't give those darn people what they want to see!

To people that post this: "91% of girls would be dead if Justin Bieber decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this on your profile if you are part of the 9% who would be cracking up!" <-------- I find it very mean. You don't even know him for real stop hating. Enough said. And...isn't it very ironic how more than 9% of the people in Wattpad put this in their profile...not that unique huh? Just saying.

Don't hate.

Life is tough, but one needs to be strong.

Choose your friends wisely. Everyone is hypocrite, but some may just be more than others, so watch out!

Life is a paradox.

Breathe. Chill. Relax.

Be happy.

It is okay to be sad sometimes.

Oh and if you did wonder, why my username is forbidden_roze, not rose (which is the correct form to write it) is because it was taken! :( And I love the username so just had to change it to a Z...hehe

Anyway, why would you care reading about me right? Unless-you-just-happened-to-be-as-bored-as-I-was-and-randomly-stalked-people...is that awkward?! Yes? Okay, fine. :( That's alright.

If you are every feeling low/down/sad/miserable/depressed/lonely....or just happy!...you may talk to me. Unless I am just too awkward for you. Okay I know, I am aware that I used the word awkward 5 times, but whatever. Quit hating! Haha
  • Watching you eating M&M! Now give me some! :)
  • Anslöt sig tillJuly 4, 2010