
Hey guys! Scars of Yesterday have just reached 1K reads! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️


Hey there, thank you very much for reading "For His Sake."
          I've read your comments, you really grasped the depth of my superficial characters, for what they are and why they are the way they are. This made me kinda tear up. So thank you very much for that!
          You have understood Edward lol, hands down the most frustrating one I written first and till now, the only one now, so yeah, I'm happy to see someone understands my feelings and characters.
          This is my first time appreciating my reader on the Notice Board because that's genuinly I wanted to tell you here. Thanks.
          Have a nice day! 


@StarryRitika Thank you too for taking the time to check out my comments and even going through my board. I read your book first at Booknet last year and I'm glad I stumbled on your book. Please do keep up the good work. I wish you all the best for your talent and I do hope someone big could notice your work. For His Sake manages to tear me up. I enjoyed how you grounded Edward. He's a new level of stubborn with his belief. 


          Just wanted to let you know that chapter 62 of The Prince's Choice is up! I hope you can read it and let me know what you think of it! :) 
          All the best, 


@WhiteGoldFangs Please don't mind the amount of times I have tagged you 


Hi Alvah, thanks for the follow!


@alvahmara There's a season where one of the brother's had no soul lol it was pretty comical seeing as though he's the sensitive one with the right words to say and comfort 


@Imperfetto_Tesoro Haven't watched it yet but I've heard of it