
accidentally unpublished my entire Prince Zuko x Reader story. Could someone tell me if it removed it from their library. Im such a hot mess right now


Is it possible that it’ll come back someday?  


@TheMoonLark15 slowly but surely i always return lol


Totally not me having a make freakout when I realized Water Bender (Prince Zuko x reader) was not in my library or reading lists! Somehow it got removed and I almost had a heart attack wondering how! But it's all back now so I'm good! XD


I just remembered why and how it was removed and I now feel like an idiot


accidentally unpublished my entire Prince Zuko x Reader story. Could someone tell me if it removed it from their library. Im such a hot mess right now


Is it possible that it’ll come back someday?  


@TheMoonLark15 slowly but surely i always return lol


Thank u for the follow! It means alot to me!☺️


@-Madness_At_Best- ur welcome! :) And that's ok! Take as much time as u need! Real life definitely comes first!


@TheMoonLark15 aw thanks. Ive been in a bit of school and financial issues and honestly writing has been put on the back burner. I hope to try an update again soon


@-Madness_At_Best- Lol! Thank u! I'm attached 2 the story! It's literally my fav Zuko fic!! Lol! Idc how long it takes u 2 finish it I'm sticking with this fic till the end! It's seriously so good! U did an amazing job! 


I've officially been on Wattpad 7 years....
          I have reached 700 followers
          Thats 100 yearly
          Thank you everyone who has ever read and/or currently reads my stories. 
          I could literally cry


Did u take down the latest chapter of Zuko x reader story? Cuz when I clicked on the notification it said failed to load. That could just b my phone but I was wondering if it was cuz u took it down or something if not then it's my phone.


@TheMoonLark15 yeah. Its up now. I accidentally published it too soon. 


I unpublished part 40 of my Zuko x Reader because I realized there was a section that didn't make sense. I rewrote it and published again. Sorry if that caused any confusion!


@-Madness_At_Best- I was confused for a minute b4 I realized! Lol!