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  • Private Chapters
    4.4M 46.9K 9

    The Alpha Meets The Rogue, In Between Two Alphas, Royalty vs Rogues, and Timeline- Separate Chapters. [The Alpha Meets The Rogue- Chapter 19 Rated R Version] [The Alpha Meets The Rogue- Chapter 22 Rated R Version] [The Alpha Meets The Rogue- Chapter 33 Rated R Version] [The Alpha Meets The Rogue- Additional Chapter]...

  • Jobs (18+) | a series of One-shots ^^ On-going, never-ending ^^
    3.9M 11.1K 9

    Professionals. Doing unprofessional things ^^ Warning: Rated M for Mature ^^ It contains scenes with adult language, funny violence, horrible sex, disgusting humor, and crackamolees which may not be suitable for younger audiences. Do not proceed if below 18 years of age.
