The Power Of Telepathy

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Location: Canada, Toronto
The man was walking casually into the city like there were no hordes of zombies around. Looking at his hands, he had no weapon or anything to defend himself and was by himself leading me to believe he was "special". The first street was vertically cluttered with zombies that were sure to spot him as soon as he passed through which would allow me to see his abilities. Eventually, the zombies turned their heads as the hive mind started to notice the survivor and all of the zombies started to shuffle towards him. The stranger kept walking and it was only when the zombies were close to touching him that he stopped and threw his hands out in a wide arch. Suddenly, the zombies stopped, turned and walked away.

The man simply began to walk towards the buildings and started to scavenge for supplies. The rest of the zombies just continued to walk around and avoid the man like they couldn't touch him. Every time, one of them came close to him, he just waved his hand and the zombie would turn and move in another direction away from the man. Hmm..... Seems like he can do something like telepathy to control the minds of the undead and separate them from the hive mind making him a dangerous individual. He will need to be eliminated or infected. Lyconides quickly formulated a plan and dropped down from the building he was on top of and landed in a crouch quietly. He instantaneously regenerated his entire body to disguise himself as a normal human. He sprinted towards the street that the telepathic was on, all the while grabbing the minds of undead that he past making them sprint after him.

He started to cry out for help alerting the telepathic. From the viewpoint of the telepathic who turned to see what all the noise was about. It looked like what seemed to be a young boy yelling for help running from a horde. The telepathic waved his hand and sent his mind out towards the undead breaking down their link to the hive mind destroying the intent to infect human but did not use his power on the boy. The man shouted to the boy that he was safe now. In that moment, Lyconides accelerated to his max speed and dived for the man who could not react fast enough. They both fell down however, the telepathic took the full brunt of the impact temporarily paralyzingly him. Lyconides took advantage of the situation and drove his teeth right through the telepath's head causing instant death.

It was this moment that changed the tide of war for the infected and darkened humanity's future. Suddenly, Lyconides felt the minds of all the infected, humans, "specials" and animals around the world. He recoiled in pain from the medical trauma of all the thoughts hitting him at the same time. Unconsciously, he flipped the mental switch of telepathy off and the pain stopped.I'm going to have to learn how to control this ability.

Meanwhile......two minutes ago......
Location: U.S.A, Area 51. Human settlement: Ground 0
A middle-aged man was sitting on a chair in an empty room. Now a normal person might think he was crazy because of the fact that he seemed to be talking to himself but actually he was talking to the other world leaders of the remaining survivors of the human race. These were the humans who were able to successfully create large settlements, control resources, gather the largest supply of weapons, ammo, land vehicles and had the biggest population under their command. Using radios and manpower, these men and women had forcefully or peacefully taken control of their entire continents or islands that they were located on.

From South America, the first female world leader, Camila Barbosa, said to be an exotic Amazonian leader from Brazil. Originally, she was the Queen of the Yanomami tribe which was said to have 20,000 members. When the undead came about, her people were safe due to the number of men that they had and was one of the first leaders to create a settlement due her location around the Amazon River meaning less undead encounters. From England, Alastair Charles, he was the second world leader to form a settlement as while he was scavenging the city of London, he had found a series of tunnels forming a labyrinth underground seemingly from the Second World War. Through use of radios broadcasts he was able to communicate with survivors and provide them with shelter. However, not much is known about him and his settlements since they are all located underground. From Europe, German-born Leopold Von Weickersthal and French-born Dylan Donnet share the continent. Dylan rules in the west and Leo rules in the east. Both were generals in their respective armies and via the telepathic link became close allies.Their first settlements are both located in their national countries.

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