The Weigh In

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"To whoever said fat people are lazy, I got a bone to pick with you. I may not be able to move but every single time I do it's like lifting an extra 800 lbs"- Robert

When Robert heard his dad mention getting weighed he almost thought it was a joke, at 17 and being bedbound for well over 4 years he did not even understand how they were meant to start moving him.

When the fire department arrived it began to make a little more sense. Being a fire department in Mississippi they had seen their fair share of super obese people but none so big at such a young age. The plan was to shift Robert onto a stretcher and lower him back down onto his bed with the scale underneath for ease of weighing in future, as in industrial scale they knew it would last.

Now for most people let alone a 17 year old getting weighed is no big trail, even a 600 lbs person can get standing or be moved with only a few issues but it was clear that this would not be as simple for Robert.

His body was so heavy and gargantuan from years of immobility and bad habits that the tools that had once been used to get him sat up lay useless. His father kept abit of pride in how his son was still healthy enough to be "sat up" but in reality he was more propped up by a pile of pillows to create the illusion of sitting, his back pinned to them with no chance of moving on his own free will. His distended stomach rested on his diaphragm, the sheer weight suffocating him, the only reason he was still breathing was the constant cold flow of oxygen being pumped up against his warm sweaty face, pale and freckled from not being out in the sun since... well since he last left the house about 6 years ago, now he lay so weighed down by his weight that it affected his speech and pushed down on his windpipe. His red hair hair short and greasy despite being washed daily just due to the sweat that was causing it to shimmer in the light of the room. Now as horrifyingly unhealthy for a boy of his age (or any age really.) as these features are, none of them compared to his legs, so weighed down and large that Robert could not even attempt to use them, his thighs so large the oozed and kept his feet further apart than his shoulders. infact the only parts he could control at this point were his arms which due to the slabs of fat that hung from them felt slow and ached to lift, turning his head, and wiggling his toes. His father used to joke "that still means you're kinda mobile." But they both knew that was deep denial.

Upon the arrival of the 10 men who were going to try and get this scale under him Robert was greeted by shock, not his own though no he knew it would take atleast a team of 6 but this seemed slightly excessive, but instead by the exclamation of one of the firemen "Jesus that's a big boy" the man said, before shockingly realising what he said was out loud and profusely apologising. "It was just the contrast." He said trying to excuse his behaviour out of embarrassment "my sons 16 you see and plays for the local football team, I just couldn't imagine..."
"It's *wheeze* fine" said Robert managing to force the sounds through his compressed lungs, he half expected worse comments so this was a pretty bearable level of embarrassment.

"How much do you think you weigh son?" One of the firemen asked "we need to make sure the sling can hold you is all."
"Uhh maybe *wheeze* 800?"
No one else believed this to be true but they went along with it while really picking up the 1000 lbs capacity sling they knew they would be using.
Now a real issue presented itself, how would you get a anyone of this level of corpulence and size onto the sling? They thought for a while before coming to a plan. "If you get too uncomfortable or breathless tell us before it's too late to go back." The female firefighter said in a very nice yet pandering tone. "We are gonna start by turning you on your side and placing half the sling under you before continuing by doing it on the other side. Think you can do that for us sweetie?"

At first this didn't sound 'too hard' for Robert, as the men started to lift him onto his side was when he realised just what he was in for. Suddenly his heart was pounding so hard he could feel it in his throat. Noticing how he was fading in and out of consciousness the firemen told him "you're doing great." Even in this state it seemed funny to Robert how he was being congratulated despite the fact he was so unfit he was almost passing out and  wasn't even technically lifting himself, baby's could do more to help that he could. Once they placed him back down with half the tarp under him he asked for a minute to catch his breath, too breathless to speak he signalled to them while the oxygen mask pumped more air into his lungs to get him to a stable level. His throat was dry from the cold air, his dad came back with a drink for him, as he drank the soda the firemen looked on half in disgust but half in awe, how could someone eat themselves to this point where it takes 10 men to lift em and still drink soda?

Once around 15 minutes had passed Robert made it clear it was okay to continue the lifting with a exhausted "*huff* o-okay."

The other side was like the first with Robert on the verge of blacking out, the position he was in pushing more weight down on his lungs suffocating him more than usual, and the weight pressing down and causing his bones to ache from the weight he was under. Sometimes he wondered if he ever could have been skinny, he felt that ship had sailed long ago. Most parents would have been mortified to see their child of 11 need a walker and oxygen just to get from bed to the bathroom, infact his mother was, but after his father expressed that Robert was happy his mother left, he had the option to move in with her and slim down but the idea of salad and exercise was clearly not the right choice hell he didn't even know how he'd get out to the van if he wanted to.

"Okay you're down we are almost done, get your breath back again Robert and we can finally lift you onto the stretcher while the scales punt under the mattress."

After another 20 minutes or so the hard part began, the firefighters were mostly hoping that the sling would hold his immense weight, he couldn't be 1000 lbs right or much higher ?
With a tremendous "heaavvve." They began to lift him, his heart still pounding and legs aching from laying here while the 10 men lifted him onto the stretcher. It was strange to him to think that even the mere act of them lifting him had him feeling like he'd run a marathon, all he had done in this process was grab onto the side of his mattress to try and give some leverage yet the tremendous teen felt like he was on the verge of death.

Once they had shuffled him on the stretcher it was  simple to put the scale onto the mattress. On the way down however he felt his moobs wobbling of the side and started to slide of the sling, luckily they managed to keep him on until he was back down on the mattress.

When they weighed him everyone was shocked, if 800 was an low guess then this would have still been seen as outlandishly huge, 1023 lbs read out the machine in a monotone voice. After the firemen left (overal disgusted by the ordeal.) it was just Robert and his dad again. Both in shock until Robert asked, "*pant* got a-any *huff* snacks?" His father not at all surprised went off to the kitchen while Robert lay, totally helpless with no other hopes, no hopes of high school, no hopes of college or finding a sweetheart, no hopes of slimming down; what's the point in trying to diet if you weigh closer to a car than a normal person before you're 18? So he had no hopes but that gurgling in his stomach and that pressurised noise of the oxygen machine, no hopes but to eat

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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