xxv. best friends got your back

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( < ミ . ♡ > )

HENRY AND KIM HAD WALKED INTO CLASS TOGETHER. The crush that Henry had on Kim soon faded away and everything seemed to be back to normal. Well, what normal was to them, at least.

"Hey, have you guys seen Jasper anywhere?" Charlotte questioned as they had soon walked in.
"No, why? Is he not here?" Henry asked and Charlotte shook her head. Kim sighs, "He probably slept late, he texted me saying he was binge-watching that show about clams last night. What a weirdo." She said.

"Hey, Kim." A girl that had been on the basketball team had come up to Kim. She had been Kim's very popular friend, Wendy. "Oh, hey, Wendy." Kim greeted and the two did their special handshake.
"You wanna shoot some hoops after school or anything?" Wendy questioned.

Kim shook her head sucked through her teeth. "Ah, I can't, work. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." She joked. "Alright, that's cool. See ya." Kim and Wendy exchanged their goodbyes and Henry and Charlotte looked at Kim in complete shock as Wendy walked away.

"Since when are you friends with Wendy Edwards?" Henry asked. "Yeah, she's like one of the most popular girls in school." Charlotte told. "We sit next to each other in Bio and she just started talking to me. She's also on the basketball team. She's pretty cool." Kim shrugged.

Miss Shapen had walked into the class and everyone sat down in their seats. "Everyone, take your seats. I will take roll." Kim sat in her seat and pulled her books out.
Miss Shapen had looked at her attendance sheet. "Avery Aster?" She started off.


"Daniel Barker?"


"Susan Cerbowitz?"


"Jasper Dunlop."

No answer.

"Jasper Dunlop?"

Still no answer.

Miss Shapen looked up from her attendance sheet. "Where's Curly Sue?" She questioned.


"Ah!" Kim freaked out as she heard the voice next to her. Jasper hadn't been there but a radio was and it was hooked up on his desk. "Jasper, what's this device on your desk and why are you not in class?" Miss Shapen questioned.

"Sorry, Miss Shapen but I have a cold," Jasper said and coughed and his friends could obviously tell it was a fake cough. "And I didn't wanna miss any class so I had a friend of mine hook this up."

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