I'm. Not. Dead.-creepy things happen in hospitals. No, seriously.

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A/N HEY reader! You are now my new favourite person for clicking on this story! Whether you clicked by accident or by choice you are fandabbylisimous and I love you! Hope you like the story and enjoy......but seriously remember to keep being fab;)



The doors of the surgery closed behind my best friend. As soon as they had seen her the doctors had told me they would need to rush Keylee into surgery.

I collapsed on a bench in the corridor. Resting my head in my hands I thought back on the accident. It was my fault, I knew it. If only I hadn't pushed her into the road. It was haunting. I didn't even know why I had done it, it was as if somebody else had been telling my hand what to do-though nobody would buy that line. I had pushed her and it was my fault. If I closed my eyes for even a second I saw the car speeding towards her, her face as she saw it, then the scream before it knocked her down and she was left lying on the road. Tiny and unconscious-like a broken rag doll. I hated this. After what felt like forever a nurse came and offered to take me down to the cafe then a proper waiting area.


I was slowly coming to. I rolled my head from left to right before opening my eyes. First I heard coughing and the constant chatter of too many people in one room. Then I heard vomiting which to be frank was just gross. There was the stinging taste of disinfectant in my mouth and then it clicked where I must be, and it wasn't one of my favourite places. I sat up.

Out of nowhere a nurse appeared beside me. This nurse put one hand on the back of my head and one on my stomach to try and make me lie down. When I refused to the woman advised 'you really should rest you know.' I snapped my head to the side so I could look at this nurse.

She was a pretty woman I thought, maybe in her mid-to-late twenties and she looked good. Short, flaming red hair and brown eyes. Quite short in height (probably no more than about 5 foot 4 inches) and very skinny.

'I'm your nurse', she introduced herself. 'Though if you want you can call me Leyla.'

'I'm Keylee.' I replied.

'Well I know that as I'm your nurse, but hi anyway Keylee.' -A smile on her face.

Leyla asked if she could check the stitching on my cheek and I agreed. Whilst she was doing this I shakily asked 'Um, is Alix here?'

'Alix? Who's Alix?'

'He's um...'

'Ah wait' she said slowly 'Is he that guy that came in with you? Dark hair? Nice looking?'

'Um, yeah, I guess.'

'He's still here-I tried to get him to go home but he refused. He kept saying he had to be here for when you woke up, just so you had someone. Then he'd mutter something about how he needed to apologise? I assumed you had some kind of argument before you were hit? I'll go get him now for you. Be back in two shakes of a cats tail.'

The nurse-Leyla, I corrected myself- turned with a flick of her short hair but before she left I touched her arm to delay her. 'Don't worry you know-about not being able to get Alix to leave. He's so stubborn. It can get extremely annoying, even I can hardly ever get him to change his mind about anything,'

Leyla replied 'Well I guess that's good to know. I mean, if his own girlfriend can't even get him to do anything what chance did I have?' Whilst shrugging her shoulders.

And with that she was gone. 'Wait!' I yelled after her 'I'm not his girlfriend! We are not a couple!' But she was already gone to disappear through large double doors and down a long hallway.

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