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So ahh this is weird.

.........................I've never written in a diary before



Dear Dead Finnick,

I once loved you. And for awhile, you were the only thing I loved dearly. But you had Annie, Mags, and your family.

I had no one. I was so desperate to grab hold of someone, I forgot the true meaning of life. I'm so sorry.

But soon, Corrin crept up on me. I was so thankful to love again. But then my actions took its toll. I was selfish, stupid. I lost Corrin, my only lover, too.

Days fell and rose, and I saw the mockingjay again. She was with Bread Boy, living happily with two children- Willow and Rye. They let me stay with them for a while, but one night I accidentally stabbed Willow with a knife in my sleep, stupid nightmares. So I left.

I met Gale in 2, lived with him for a while, when his girlfriend, Enobaria (surprisingly), was on a business trip. I left when I killed Gale's dog with an ax, cause Gale called me a name. I'm selfish, but I'm not stupid.

Now I know, Finn, that the things you do reflect on the ones you love.

With love,


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