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"Managerrrrrrrrrr!" Taehyung whined following the tall man as Jimin laughed popping another mint into his mouth.

"What! I'm trying to organize the schedule Kim." Taehyung pouted crossing his arms, the manager sighed muttering a apology looking up from his calendar where Taehyung was smiling brightly again.

"I'm heading out with Jimin.. you can just go straight home." The manager nodded bidding goodbye to the boys as Taehyung skipped out to the males car jumping into the passenger seat.

"Goddamn why does it smell like a flower threw up strawberries in here." Taehyung gagged opening the window quickly as Jimin chuckled.

"I didn't have time to shower so I basically bathed in my cologne" Taehyung raised a eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest.

"Cologne... you mean that's not perfume?" Jimin scoffed immediately pulling the cologne out of the glove compartment as the younger scanned the bottle.

Suddenly his phone began to rang through the car speakers as he quickly looked up to see a unknown number.

"Hello?" He asked fastening his seatbelt as Taehyung started to spray some of cologne on.

"Hey Jiminie.. if your busy I can call back-" Jimin smile immediately brightened at the sound of the boys deep voice coming through the phone.

"No, I'm not busy. What's up Yoonie?" Taehyung immediately perked his head up looking between the call displayed on the screen and his older friend.

"You left your wallet at my place this morning.." Jimin sighed running a hand through his hair aaa Taehyung smirked speaking up.

"Oh we can come pick it up now, no problem. I'm sure Jimin would love to see you aga-" Jimin smacked the boy harshly his face burning a dark burgundy colour.

"Oh.. okay?" Yoongi spoke at the unknown voice from the other end of the like.

"Okay, I'll be there in like a few minutes.." Jimin spoke trying very hard to not stutter out of embarrassment.

"Okay!" Yoongi spoke hanging up, Jimin smacked the younger boy in the back of the head once again, he winced doing the same back with a small smirk resting beneath his box smile.

"You twat! Why'd you say it like thatttt!" Jimin whined taking his turn as the huge old apartment came into site.

"That's called payback, it's a bitch isn't it? Next time don't be late to our shoot and inform me that your okay so I don't have a heart attack again!" Jimin let out a small whine as he parked the car in front of the sketchy looking apartment building.

"This is where he lives...?" Taehyung asked getting out of the car with a look of uncertainty on his face.

"Yeah not all of us are rich models" Jimin said flicking the boys forehead, and opening the door to the musky smelling aparment. Taehyung face crumbled up I'm disgust as he covered his noise running up the staircase behind Jimin.

"Please tell me his apartment doesn't smell like this because I won't be able to breathe for a while!" Jimin rolled his eyes knocking on the door without Taehyung hiding behind him.

Yoongi opened the door with a small smile, before leaning over to pick up the small yapping dog that was at their feet.

"You guys can come in if you want.. I know the hallway doesn't smell very nice." Yoongi said motioning to taehyung who had his noise tucked under his shirt with a look of disgust on his face.

"Oh thank god, I thought you would never ask" the young idol said pushing past his friend and heading into the strangers sweet vanilla smelling apartment.

"Your wallets on the couch, I think you dropped it during your little panic this morning" Yoongi smiled softly closing the door as Jimin walked in. Holly growls attempting to escape the mans arms as he gently sets him onto the floor again.

"Hello there you little fluff ball" Taehyung cooed petting the dog gently meanwhile Jimin retrieved his wallet and stuffed it into his back pocket.

"How are you?" Jimin asks smiling gently, Yoongi looked down at the dog rolling around of the hardwood flooring joyfully.

"I'm fine, it's just a normal day.. not good, not bad." Jimin scratched the back of his head trying desperately to not get embarrassed again. Jimin look down at his watch that read 4:45pm.

"Would you want to get dinner with me.. at Seokjin's BQQ?" Jimin said hesitantly looking up at Yoongi he had a small smile mixed with a look of uncertainty on his face.

"I don't know, I don't really feel that hungry." Yoongi sighed biting his lip softly as he avoided eye contact with the young idol.

"That's fine, you don't have to get something to eat if you don't want to.. you could just get a drink?" Jimin said desperately wanting to hang out with the older boy tonight.

"Okay, it's a date." Jimin smiled shyly at the words date before his thoughts got the best of him again.

'He probably means a friendly date'

'Like that saying it's a date... right'

'Should I ask him?'

"Hello earth to Jimin, Jungkook misses me and is bored... he just finished his dance practice with Hobi Hyung can we go homeeee I need to feed yeontan, and do the.. laundry" Taehyung said suddenly making excuses of why they needed to leave.

"Stop making excuses to go home and suck off Jungkook" Jimin bluttered out slapping a hand over his mouth as Yoongi let his small gummy smile slip onto his face.

"I mean like true but do you need to say it in front of your future boyfriend" Taehyung said smirking and pushing himself off the floor. Yoongi blushed rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yah Taehyung stop your making him uncomfortable, we'll get going I'll see you tonight" Yoongi nodded giving the boy a small side hug before they left.

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