It's 3am

4 0 0

As I lay wide awake

I cannot help but ponder

About decisions I made

Which have resulted in the way life is.

Look at me now

Where will I go next?

They say what will be will be

But I am tired of waiting

I want to know now

What is my purpose on this planet?

I recall the friendships gained

Friendships lost.

The money spent wisely

Money wasted.

The opportunities missed

And opportunities I picked up.

No time to regret

I move forwards

On to the next challenge I say.

I seek thrill & excitement

No gain without pain.

Hold up, what time is it?

"Time to stop thinking and sleep"

I tell myself.

But the thoughts continue.

I cannot sleep.

I am wide awake.

I mentally picture tomorrow's plan

Gotta do this & that...

Why won't I stop thinking?

Brain goes into overdrive.

It always happens at this time.

Always happens at 3am.

It's 3amWhere stories live. Discover now