Information, and World Building Pt.1

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Basic info:

Y/n: Your Name

N/n: Nickname

S/n: School name, what others call you at school.

R/n: Random Name, mainly used for people who don't matter in the story or unknown ppl

e/c: Eye color

H/ c, l, s: Hair color, length, and style

s/t: Skin tone

f/f: Fav food

Weapons: Two Black bladed swords, Several poisons, Some throwing Knives, and Your Dragon Form otherwise known as Syrax.

Demon Forms: Human, Demonic Humanoid, Hybrid, Syrax, Shadow Queen.(In your truest humanoid demon form you look exactly like in the photo above.)

Racial history: The Dragon Demons were one of the most powerful clans in Makai, as not many could withstand the immeasurable aura they displayed. Humans who had seen and survived encounters with these ferocious beasts, described them as Half Dragon, Half human. They called them Dragonborne. The Humans and other Demons gazed upon them with Fear and terror, Celestial beings such as the King of Spirit World, and his court had created a specific ranking for them... Rank X, there used to be a special force that was dedicated to stopping and killing these beings, They were known as the Hellhunters, or Seraphs. The Dragon demons were wiped out on a fateful night three Millennia ago; the reason was unknown to all, though the name Melanthios will strike fear in the hearts of any who hear it.


My name is [REDACTED], though you all may call me Lilith. I formally welcome you to a World of Demons, Humans, and Gods, The magnificent world of...

Yu Yu Hakusho!

The next chapter will have some Demon terminology for you all and your Backstory. I thank you for clicking on this book, and taking the time to read all of this.

Thank you from the bottom of my damned Mortal soul,


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