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Jimin sighed stirring slightly before feeling a weight on his stomach and side. Rubbing his eyes he leans up giggling slightly at Yoongi snuggled tightly into the side of his knitted sweater. The young idol reaches for his phone hoping to capture a cute picture of the older boy only to be bombarded by miss calls and text messages from his managers and Taehyung, his best friend.

He quickly checked the time the realization hitting that he only has 15 minutes before the photo shoot begins, he groans trying to carefully untangle the olders body from his side placing his head gently back onto the sofa. The older man stirred his eyes fluttering open revealing Jimin panicking to collect his belongings.

"What's wrong Jiminie?" Yoongi's deep morning voice speaks, causing Jimin to blush a deep red grabbing his keys off the kitchen table.

"I'm late to work and I have millions of text messages, and missed calls." Yoongi leaned up quickly rushing to the boy to fix his bed head and messy clothes. Jimin smiled softly as the older male quickly made way to the bathroom returning with a travel sized mouth wash.

"Woah waittt here's my phone number" Jimin said handing him a slip of paper as the boy swung the door open.

"Take this, go go go! Before you get your ass fired. Thwanks fow last nighwt" Yoongi spoke half awake his words become more unclear every second, while ushering the boy out of his apartment and swiftly closing the door, he looked down at his hand where Jimin's number sat before smiling softly.

He pats the door frame lightly before heading back to the sofa and quickly falling back into a deep sleep with Holly comfortably curling up at his feet.


Jimin jumps down the staircase avoiding half the stairs and rushing out to his parked car. Twisting the key the engine starts heating up the vehicle slightly, as he quickly swishes out his mouth mentally thanking the older boy for the mouth wash.

He digs through the unorganized glove compartment pulling out a cologne and spraying it intensely causing him to spit the mouth wash out the window coughing from the intense sweet smell filling the car.

The idol pulls out of the lot looking between the time and the road every few seconds. Gulping he makes a sharp turn parking his car and heading into the huge studio that was surrounded by staff and paparazzis.

"Park Jimin!" His management yelled angrily as they spotted the brown haired boy heading towards the entrance of the building alongside a few security officers he flinched softly before smiling softly and giving his cute puppy dog eyes.

"Heyyyyy Manager-Nimmmmm" Jimin dragged out following his fuming manager into the much warmer building.

"Where the hell were you?" The older man spoke strictly as his wrinkles began to show Jimin bit his lip attempting to not count the wrinkles like he did the last time he got himself into this mess.

"Uh.. I'm sorry, but you should have sent security. I er- went to grab coffee and there was fans like what happened last night" Jimin said nodding at his quick witted excuse. The manager shook his head softly before straightening his outfit.

"Okay, but don't make this a habit Mr.Park." Jimin nodded intently before dropping the conversation and quickly heading over to hair and makeup where his friend was pacing back and forth attempting to get the fly aways out of his face.

"PARK JIMIN! I WAS SO WORRIED YOU DUMBASS!" Jimin laughed as the boy wrapped him in a hug before pulling away and flicking his forehead causing the younger to groan holding his forehead painfully.

"Your lucky, i didn't snitch for your little sleepover. I am this close to kicking your ass from here to Mars.. next time text me when your staying the night because waking up with not a single idea of your whereabouts is not my cup of tea" Jimin nodded settling down in a chair as the two woman rushed to fix up his appearance.

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