iv. life lesson: anger is stronger than love

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IF KIM HAD BEEN FOURTEEN AGAIN, SHE WOULD'VE LIKED HENRY HART HANGING ALL OVER HER. But she was a little bit older now and was over the crush on him. So, Henry hugging the girl all the time now was so new to her.

"Henry, this is not a good time to hug!" Kim pulled away and Henry took notice to the girl's hair. "Aw, you have such pretty hair." She pulls his hand away from her hair. "Thank you, but stop it!"

"Henry!" Charlotte shouts.

"Great, see what you did?" Gwen faces Charlotte, who looks at her in disbelief. "What I did?" Kim scoffed at the woman. "She wasn't the one that fed Henry the dang muffin!"

"Gwen!" Kim and everybody else, excluding Henry, had looked towards Ray, who had just spotted his future wife. He waltzed towards her. "I was just dreaming about the first time we met."

"Hello, my sweet man." Gwen played off.

"Am I the only one that doesn't know what's going on?" Jasper questioned.

"Ray, no!"

Kim pushes Henry off from hugging her again. "Quit it, Hen!" She shouts. "I can't quit you!" Henry wraps his arms around the girl again and then let's go once Kim pulls him off again. He leans against the counter with his hand in his face and a big smile on his face. "You're so pretty." He said and suddenly booped her nose, causing Kim to blink.

"Ray, you don't really love her!" Charlotte told. Schwoz stood in between Ray and Gwen and Schwoz was now currently being smushed by Ray and Gwen. "She tricked you!" Charlotte shouted.

Schwoz had then gotten out of the grasp between Ray and Gwen. "Yeah, and she's tried to do it to Henry, too!" Jasper pointed to both Kim and Henry. "Except Henry fell in love with Kim by mistake! I'm right, right?"

Ray gasped and then looked at Gwen. "Aww, my baby's so smart!"

Kim then smacks Henry's hand away from her hair. "Hen, quit touching my hair!" She shouted. Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz had all been trying to get Ray to see reason. "Could you please make all these people leave so we can be alone?" Gwen questioned.

"Alright, everybody out!" Ray shouted and began to lead everyone out of the store. "But, Ray—" Ray still didn't listen, so they decided to now decipher their plan over at Henry's house.

Kim spent most of her time trying to get Henry to stop wrapping his arms around her. "No, no, no.
Hen, get off me!" She pushes him off her. Jasper opens up the front door of Henry's house.

Sweet But Psycho, Henry Danger {on hiatus}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora