Hope is a dangerous thing

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The year was 1989, a cold snowy day in Vermont, Dani, who had grown up in the states was partial to a bit of snow. It brought back dear memories from her childhood, before things became so difficult, before Jamie, before Bly and before Eddie. The simple times that sometimes she wishes she could go back to and start over. Although without her hectic past, she would not be the woman she is today, brave enough to live with the woman she loves and express her true feelings with someone so caring. Jamie however, had never seen snow before this winter, or at least not that she could remember. Today Jamie spent her working day in the flower shop, gazing out the windows at the cold flakes falling from the sky, constantly thinking about the first time it snowed.

She and Dani were walking around town on a Saturday evening; the states were nothing like England. Everything was so much more vibrant here. Dani had her usual purple sweater, brown skirt look, accessorised with brown coat and boots, while Jamie herself, dresses mainly in black. Black jeans, black boots and black coat, with a pop of green on her checked shirt. They walked together to a local coffee shop that they went too every Saturday once the flower shop had closed for the afternoon. A treat for them, while Dani still hadn't mastered tea or coffee, and Jamie's cooking was still rather questionable, tea and sandwich at the local coffee shop was always a safe option.

This particular evening, the pair sat on table outside. It was extremely cold, but they sat close and watched the world go by letting the tea warm them from the inside. Something had landed on Jamie's arm, she went to brush it off but it was just water. She looked over to Dani and said "I think it's starting rain Dan". Dani of which was sitting there smiling, much to Jamie's confusion she didn't move. "C'mon we're going to get wet" Jamie exclaimed and stood up. "Sit down Jamie, look". She looked away from Dani and out across the street, there were multiple tiny white flakes falling from the sky. Jamie turned back to Dani and sat down eyes in awe. They stayed there a while and the snow had started to settle before they decided to go home. It wasn't too far but it was beginning to get dark. So they went home and on this night the left the curtains open a little later than usual so Jamie could watch the snow fall so peacefully. A beautiful moment in nature. So now every time it snows they both have their happy memories.

Jamie was waiting for Dani to come back, she'd been tutoring the neighbours little girl 3 days a week. The girl was sick and unable to go to school but her parents still wanted her to be learning, Dani had settled in fast and enjoyed teaching her. Although sometimes it worried Jamie. Dani would come home some evenings with a troubled look on her face, but it wouldn't be until the pair got into bed at night that she would about her worries. Jamie would softly brush the hair off of Dani's face and ask her what was wrong. At first she would say nothing, but Jamie knew that there was always something to be said and after a few moments of silence Dani would always reveal her troubles usually starting off with "well there is just this one thing..." the root of her problems always taking her back to moments a Bly. The girl reminded her of Flora, who she missed dearly, but that was just the start.

Dani had always felt safe with Jamie, from the first time they had spoken, she knew just how big a heart Jamie has underneath all the sarcasm and tough woman act. Jamie herself needed someone in the same way that Dani did and being reminded of Bly, it wasn't Viola that worried Dani the most. It was the thought that one day Jamie would be without her, and she would be without Jamie.

Dani had told Jamie her main worries of leaving her, she gets upset almost every time, but Jamie is always there to reassure her that she will be there with her all the way till the end, whenever the end may come, but it's when Dani is sleeping that things being in weigh in on Jamie too, she knows in herself that what they have won't last forever and all those days when Dani is out while she's working she worries what if today is the day that Dani doesn't return. It is always on her mind that one day will be their last day together. Although what frightens her the most is the not knowing when that day is coming. She hopes for a life time with her lover, but knows that neither off the will ever really know until the day has been and gone.

So for all the days passed and all the future days, where Jamie stays in the flower shop watching out the window for snow, while Dani goes out and returns again, Jamie always reminds her how much she loves her, and in times when she is sad, she'll remind her "chin up Poppins" and smile.

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