Dave's Wacky Occurrences Book 1 Finale

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The Last Week of School

The lads sat around the table quietly, it had been a long, painful musical experience, and now that it was over all they had to look forward to summer vacation. "It feels weird having the musical over with..." "I call it Musical withdrawal, it's when your body and mind get so used to the constant practices and the fun of the show, that when it's done, you feel empty." Quentin muttered, "Well that's one way to put it... but I also mean it feels weird we no longer have our musical stands as well." The lads' stand aura's flickered slightly, and they were back to their regular colors. "Speaking of!" David perked up excitedly, breaking the glum mood over the group, "My cousins came in, and my Uncle and Aunt came in with my grandparents!" The lad chuckled at the thought of another Vodka filled Tea session, "And no she didn't bring any vodka this time." "Shoot!" "Did Ben come down with Shannon this time?" "No the galager family gets off of school early then us, so their family stopped at our house for the weekend to watch the show. And then they left for this week to do some sightseeing, and they'll be back on Friday for our last day of school." "Oooooooh..." "Yep, and my grandparents and Uncle and Aunt our just doing stuff around the house and chilling out pretty much." "Well that's what you do with vacation days right?" "Pretty much ya." "Well what are you guys doing for the last day of school?" "Probably gonna take you out on a date or movie?" "Go home and take a nap then stay up till 4 in the morning and sleep until 2 the next day." "Hang out with my family, might do another race...." The freshman had a strange smirk on his face after he said that, it was slightly unsettling. However the future wasn't looking bright for everyone, the Esports team was going to spend their last meeting after school not to play, but to rather go to the funeral ceremony for Don to pay their final respects. Don's death took quite the toll on the Esports team, not only was he the captain, but also the manager of a lot of the teams activities and competitions. He was actually the person to tell the principal about Ed and Dave going to finals and how the school should host something for them, but the gathering wasn't till wednesday and it was still that hot monday. "DAVID! QUENTIN! EGG!" Michael came barreling down the cafeteria with a pile of papers and binders clutched in his hands, "I have more interesting news!" "Oh boy!" Q grumbled sarcastically, "What is it?" "It's about the fragments!" The group's interest was no longer out of politeness, but intrigue as well, "What about the fragments?" The large lad's foresight began to flare up as he looked at his friend confused, "Well this is entirely a theory, but don't you think its weird that a person can have more than one fragment in their body at time. I mean outside of granting the user a stand, an upgrade, or saving them from the emptiness of nothing..." He looked at Quentin and winked, "Doesn't it seem weird that you can have multiple of them, doesn't that seem a little... broken?" "I don't know, kind of?" "Well my theory is that these shards are trying to become one again!" "WHAT!" "Think about it, the more fragments a person has, the easier it is to take the arrow fragment from them! And what do you think is happening to those fragments inside of your body!" "They're... do something?" "Not just something! They're combining!" "Uh huh, why would they do that?" "So that at one point they can complete the arrow once more!" the table looked confused at the nerd, "Because the entire arrow does something cool!" Edward face palmed hard, "You don't even know what the completed arrow will do if all the shards are gathered together!" "Of course not! In order for me to know what it does we would need all of the fragments in one vessel." "That's never gonna happen, I don't think I'm willing to give up my fragments." "Neither am I, these things protect me from having my ass handed to me." He looked at his last friend hopefully, but the large lad just shook his head in response, those fragments saved him from death countless times over. "Well I guess my data will never be completed then..." "YEP!" The group looked satisfied by their results as Michael gathered his papers, thanked them for their time, and left to continue his research. "We didn't even tell him about the other users that have those fragments..." "If he found out then he might try to bargain with them, which could have turned out really bad." "For the best." "For the best..." The rest of that Monday's discussion lingered over the lads as the days passed, the unionition of the arrow fragments, could something like that even be possible? "Well Don... you truly were the greatest gamer of us all, and hopefully you'll avoid going to gamer hell like Keeren and the rest of those idiots. But if you do, I'm sure you'll have all the luck in the world with you." "That was very weird of you to say." The lengthy lad tugged his friend's back signalling it was time to go, "No no, I have one last thing to do before I leave, just head home with the others I'll see ya tomorrow." The freshman cocked his head with confusion, but shrugged his shoulders and left with the rest of the Esports team. "You never really did know Don well did you?" he asked his girlfriend, "Well being on Esports doesn't mean I need to know anyone in it!" "Precisely... but still he was a good man, a rare character of quality." "You're gosh dang right!" Mr. Flen pitched in as the team walked to their cars, David watched them leave bit by bit until they were all gone. "Well Wyatt... hope you don't mind another one of my friends joining you." He stooped down in front of the grave stone and dusted it off a bit, the oranges he placed there long ago were completely rotted away, and he put a new one down in their place. "They're in great season this year you know! Really firm but juicy!" The lad picked at an orange in his hand and ate it slowly, savoring each slice before sprinkling the skin on the gravestone, it was an odd ritual, but something that he was sure Wyatt would have liked. "2 men died already, and I'm sure we have a death toll in this town that's at least 100 by how many incidents other stands have carried out. Is this the truth of the world? That abilities gifted to us through totally unknown nature let us rule who lives and who dies?" He looked around the empty grave yard, "Must be..." "What did you do after we all left anyway?" Rose finally questioned as the group ate their final school lunch that Thursday, "I paid an old friend a visit." "Oh who is this old friend?" "The previous 4th Dungeon Divers member." "Wait there was someone before me?" The large lad glared at the lengthy lad, he hadn't told his girlfriend about Wyatt at any point, "Ya... he was an interesting fellow to say the least." "Oh?" "Ate a lot of oranges, very wild, liked crawling on things... a real character, and dear god was he an epic player!" "One of a kind!" "One of a kind indeed!" The lads lifted up their drinks and toasted him as Rose watched confused, "He must have been a really interesting one then!" "But we have you now, which is just as interesting." The large lad chuckled, "Just as interesting is an understatement, for she is the wielder of the ancient Dwarven Hammers of the two houses, the power of them is unrivaled through the underground community!" Quentin huffed, "And I suppose we're worthless then?" "Seeing as how many times you've died... YES!" "OH HARDY HAR!" The two were locked in a heated eye contact as their stand auras burned brightly, it seemed things were finally back to normal as they continued the argument all throughout the rest of the day. "Mom I'm home!" "Great!" Q threw his bag to the floor and walked into the kitchen, the air condition felt nice on his warm skin. "Oh Ed came over right before you got here and invited you to go to the park with him!" "The park? What is this? A Playdate?" His mom shrugged her shoulders as the lad grabbed a juice box, said he'll be back by dinner, and left to meet up with his friend. "The park? Why would he want to meet me at the park, his house is closer than the park." The freshman thought for a moment, "Maybe he's got a secret plan or something for the last day of school?" "Yo." The lengthy lad sat polishing his pocket knife, "Why do you knife out! I mean no one's around but still!" The lad shrugged his shoulders and scooched over on the bench, "So what's wrong, you seem AGH!" Edward suddenly lunged the knife into the side of the lad, a crazed smile on his face as Quentin fell back and groaned with pain, "WHAT THE HELL MAN! DO THAT TO DAVID NOT ME!" "Yo." "WHAT DO YOU WOH!" Ed jumped forward, and that's when he noticed that the knife wasn't the one his friend normally wielded, "RED CHOIR!" The moment the soldier appeared the lengthy lad stopped its assault on the fallen lad, but immediately grabbed the soldier and held it up high within his hands, knife pointed directly at it, "DON'T! IF YOU STAB HIM THEN!" The tip of the blade scraped gently against his only soldier's chest as the sensation of cold and wet metal shivered over the lad's own body. "EDWARD STOP!" he groaned as the wound on his side began to gush out more blood and then THUNK! Something metal smacked the side of his head and he blacked out, the soldier disappeared from the fiend's grasp as the freshman's face began to shift, then his entire body. All at once the blob of flesh shifted back to its user who was standing over the unconscious freshman, "Good job Fatboy Slim..." A large red haired teenager hauled the student into the back of his car and drove off, his phone started to ring as he drove home. "Yes Abi I got him right here." "Thanks Bro!" "What do you plan to do with him anyway?" "Everything I finally wanted to..."

Dave's Wacky Occurrences Book 1 Final PartWhere stories live. Discover now