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welcome {{back} back} to this story :D :D !!!! before you read this, I would strongly suggest that you read medicine and becoming if you haven't already. (and, if you're interested: yours.) this is the third installment in the series.

so, with that in mind, a couple of disclaimers:

1. this story is a work of fiction. it is not meant to have any correlation with real life and anything of the like. anything that resembles real life is purely coincidental.

2. i am an english major. with that in mind, i did try to do some research on this story. but, google can only get me so far. if there is ever a mistake, please, just tell me. i'll fix it.

3. this story contains mature themes, explicit language, yada yada. if you're not okay with that ... dare i say it ... this is not the place for you.

4. less seriously, this book—in particular—takes place over the years of gracie's fellowship. my research shows that an ob/gyn surgical fellowships will last approximately three years. this book will be taking place over a three year time period. please pay particular attention to the month at the top of the chapter in order to ensure that you are oriented.

4.a. along that note, i want to keep everyone at the same point in their career. different surgical specialties have different lengths (i.e., a typical cardio residency will take seven years whereas ob/gyn takes four). with that in mind, i've adjusted their residency periods and will do the same to their fellowships as well. for the sake of my novel, i am going to manipulate the anticipated residency and fellowship paths in order to better represent what i want for these characters (see note 1; "this story is a work of fiction"). this is a conscious choice that i've made and i hope that you will understand why i've made it.

otherwise, i have nothing else to say. i hope you enjoy this one. please remember to vote and comment and share your love. i love you, mean it.

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