First meeting

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Night time

Izuku's POV

I am going out to explore since I was asleep for 3 weeks. I also changed my looks so no one would recognize me. I now had black hair and black eyes I also hid my freckles. 

Timeskip 1 hour

I was walking down the empty street with feeling that I am being followed but when I turn around I don't see anybody. I am turning to an allyway with dead end and start smoking my cigarette leaning to the wall and waiting for the person that followed me to show up. After a while a figure showed up. I couldn't see if it was a man or a woman but I knew it was demon slayer. It was just standing and after a while started polishing its blade and walked towards me. Then it attacked me and its hood fell and I saw cute girl. When I was dodging her attacks I said "It's sad that so cute girl is trying to kill me" She then blushed and dropped her guard down so I took her blade and threw it away. While she was shocked about what just happend I tackled her to wall and asked "Why were you attacking me and what's your name?" "It's my job as demon slayer to kill demons like you and my name is Olivia" she answered blushing and looking away. "Ok, bye and see you soon Liv~" I said after kissing her forhead and walking away. When I looked back I saw her blushing redder than tomato and picking up her blade. I went to home.

In home I was thinking. Thinking about many things for example Olivia and some hero stuff. Then I thought about my hero career and decided I will become a vigilante.

297 words

Sorry for any mistakes and see you soon

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