Holmes Chapel

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I pulled the hood over my head. I love everything about winter. The snow is so magical, people are always happy, and there is just something that gets me in a good mood about it.

I saw a couple holding hands and laughing at some joke that the guy probably said. He looked at her with fascination. It looked like this was their first date, and he was trying to make a good impression on her.

My last relationship that ended two years ago, did not go that well. I remember everything clearly, what happened and how big of an asshole he was. God I don't wanna go through all of that relationship-bullshit again. Life's better when you're without a man.

I walked around in the city. I just moved to London and I'm looking around to get to know the place a little better.

Right now it's December 15th, around a week and a half before Christmas.

I usually spend Christmas at home with my family in New York, but I recently moved to England. I haven't meet any people that lives in London yet, so I'm pretty lonely here mostly.

I enjoy being in London, besides that it's always cold here, but I still love it.

I hold my hands tight around the hot cocoa, take a sip, and continue my walk out in the snow.

I then looked out at all the happy families that are here.

"Take care of her for me, I love you."
"No, no no no. Don't leave us. Please, I love you, more than the world.'

The voice of my mothers last words made me shiver. And the crack in my fathers voice after he realised what just happened, made me drop a few tears.

She died of cancer. When I was nine years old.

It was best if I didn't think about it right now, so I tried to distract myself with anything.

I then hurried to finish the trip before it would get too late. Couldn't risk if anything happened, it's a little dangerous if you're here alone.


"Hey, you there!" A man yelled after me all of sudden. I looked at him suspicious, and he ran over the street and after a few seconds, he standed infront of me and said. "Will you help me with something?"

I looked at him and noticed his pants that were dirty, it looked like his shirt was ripped off and he didnt have any shoes or jacket on. God I felt bad for him, but I didn't know what he wanted from me, so I came up with an excuse to go.

"I have to go, someone's waiting for me. Sorry."

I walked away from him but I could still feel his stare. I shaked the thought of him off my head, and looked for my little car that was hiding somewhere in the parking lot.

What did he want me to help him with? Should I go back?

I laughed a little for myself, of course not. What if he would do something bad to me.

I went in the car, put my seatbelts on and started it. I then went into google maps and searched for Holmes Chapel. i've heard that it's very nice there so I booked a hotel.

I might as well get out and explore England a bit.

I then turned the radio on and watermelon sugar blasted out of the speakers.

I've heard this song too many times on the radio but I still sang along.

After a little while I saw an old man that drove really slow. I got kinda annoyed so I yelled after him.

"Hey man! Hurry up!"

He looked at me, annoyed, but still drove off. I rolled my eyes and maybe drove a little too fast for after a while I heard sirens, and the police stopped me.

I smashed my head on the steering wheel and waited till I would get a ticket.



I finally got to the hotel after a while and checked in.

"Laila CoBrooke?" The man behind the counter looked up from the computer.

"That's me." I said and showed him my ID and payed for a week to stay there.

"Okay, here are the keys to.." he looked at the number on the key that was reserved under my name "thirty six."

"Thanks." I said with a little smile, and took the key.

I then dropped all of my bags and embarrassed went down on the floor to pick them up. They were all shaking their heads at me. It was a little late, and people were probably very tired, so I looked down and slowly ran away to look for my room.

"36..36 .."

I passed thirty four and thirty five and finally thirty six came.

I went in and threw all the things I had in my hands and ran towards the bed. I jumped up and down and laid down after a few minutes out of breath.

I always do that.

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was only 9 pm. The stores aren't closed till 10, so I think I'm gonna go out to the nearest market or something.

I had been walking for a while when all of a sudden flash sounds and a whole lot of shouting could be heard. I turned around to go the other way but bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry."

I squatted down to pick up the mans things he dropped because of clumsy me.

I then realised that all of these were Gucci bags, and no normal person would have the money to afford all of that.

"No, I'm sorry."

The moment I stood up again I looked into the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen.


Wait a minute .. Did I just say that out loud? Oh no, I did.

"Wow.. what?" He said with a little grin on his face.

"Sorry I were in my own thoughts." I laughed nervously.

"That can happen to everyone." He said with a smile "Hi, I'm Harry"

He held out his hand and I pressed it gently.

"I'm Laila, nice to meet you."

He looked very familiar and I tried to remember where I've seen him before.

"Sorry but aren't you the one that used to have that long hair from the band one direction?" I looked at him hoping I was right.

"That is correct." He laughed.

He had the cutest laugh.

"Um ... maybe you want to go to a cafe nearby? You seem to be very.." he laughed nervously "sweet, and I want to get to know you better. " He sent me another smile.

God could he be anymore perfect?

"Of course! I want to explore Holmes chapel a little more, so that would be great."

He laughed relieved that I didn't turn him down, and I then accompanied him off to the cafe.

Just started this book! Hope y'all will follow me, Laila and Harry till the end of the story:)
- Sara

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