Poem. From sobriety with love

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This can also be sang like a rap

Baby your're in recovery
Your every sober day
Is our victory
And when you start recovery
You get me as a gift
My name is Sobriety

Nice to meet you - love
I'm really proad of you
Here - take this chip
24 hours of recovery
You say it's not so much
But it's a honest work
And for the honest work
You always get reward

I know your days get hard
But I am by your side
You never lose me love
Cause I will hold you tight
Relapse is not so bad
As long as you come back

Hey - just call your sponsor 
It's not so hard
Just say "relapsed and need your help"
And then you get back
To the very first step

Admit that you are powerless
It's where we start
We've all been there
Don't be discouraged.

The days go by
You get a one month badge
With help of God
Just how you understand Him
You keep discovering
The joys I have to offer

You never stop your journey
And always work your steps
Now baby guess just what you get
You're right It's me and yet another badge
Three months already
What an achievment

You talk with God today
Surprised and happy like you've never been
"Yes God I won but at what cost?
How many times I had to start it over?
Ohh God it took me not a one relapse"
So both me and God will answer you
Relapse won't matter honey
Your sober days do
You only lose if you give up
Relapse is only a lesson to learn

You now call your sponsor
Without being asked to
Not asking for help
But just to say "thank you"
"You did so well I'm proad of you
Don't stop working program
I'll keep guiding you"

You go to the meeting again and again
In order to constanly work the step 12

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