Author's Note

886 21 19

Hey all!

So, I don't know if you couldn't tell, but, this book is basically going to contain all the do's and don'ts and whatnot with just about everything there is to do with sex!

I know the school education system doesn't provide a very good sexual education system (if they even do at all) and most of them just promote abstinence, so I'm here to tell you otherwise 😎

I'm here to give you lessons on just about everything listed below:

•Male and female anatomy

•How the orgasm works (w/each sex)

•How pregnancy works

•Different diseases

•Precautions you can take

•Unprotected vs protected sex

•Having sex without penetration

•Different ways to have sex rather than just penetration


•Female x female sex

•Male x male sex

•Kinks, philias, fetishes, etc.

•Pleasure points, techniques, etc.

•False facts about sex

•Tips on writing smut

•Stuff you want to avoid when writing smut


But yeah! This is a very, VERY, safe place, so please feel free to comment and share your experiences and thoughts and questions! Even feel free to shoot me a dm.

Do not go judging one another's fantasies, kinks, or techniques in the comments. Anything rude will be deleted by yours truly.

If you have any topic you'd like to be seen covered, please comment or dm me!

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